What did you pay for your CX-5?

Just pulled the trigger on a new 2024 Carbon AWD with red leather, roof rack, AW mats and cargo tray and window tint (I know, I know...).
Marked down due to about 4 small hail dings, with loyalty incentive and military bonus, out the door for $32.6k (with 6.25% Texas sales tax).
Picking it up Saturday.

It's replacing my OG 2004 Mazda3 that I bought new and currently has 346,000+ miles on it.

View attachment 333151
Nice deal!

PDR guy will be able to remove those hail dings with a bit of luck! I had one come around and remove a few from my previous CX5 before I sold it. Couldn’t tell where they were afterwards, did an excellent job.

Why the grief with window tinting? Just because the dealer did it/is doing it?
$40,752 OTD for a 2025 CX-5 Turbo Premium in Indiana two days ago. No trade in.

EDIT: Per N7Turbo and sm1ke, vehicle cost was $38,843.
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$40,752 OTD for a 2025 CX-5 Turbo Premium in Indiana two days ago. No trade in.

Just a heads up for @TheSchlaf and future posters, please post the price of the vehicle before taxes and fees, as detailed on your invoice. The reason for this is that we have users not just from North America, but everywhere around the globe. Sales taxes will vary from state to state, fees may vary from dealership to dealership, and currency conversion rates and market pricing will vary from region to region.

For example, an OTD price of $40752 in Indiana, where the sales tax is 7%, means that the pre-tax price is about $37,900. By comparison, an OTD price of $40752 in California is $35332 pre-tax. And that doesn't account for dealership fees, which can vary greatly depending on what they are allowed to charge based on state laws. Providing the vehicle-only price saves readers from having to do what I just did. The number I arrived at isn't even accurate because it doesn't factor in possible dealer add-ons like warranty, aftermarket remote start, tint, paint protection packages, maintenance packages, etc.

Hope that makes sense!
Good rule of thumb for Mazda in the US is about 5%-6% off MSRP dealer discount, plus any rebates and incentives from Mazda on top. Invoice is about 2.75%-3.5% depending on model, trim and options. Holdback is = 1% of pre-destination base MSRP. Then there are variable dealer bonus payouts that vary based on several factors such as CSI (customer survey) health, dealership model (is it the old green and orange dealer or the new "Revolution" model showroom) and others.

Assuming a "reasonable" dealer fee of maybe $500-$800 tops, the 5%-6% off MSRP rule constitutes a good deal. Better deals are out there, as some of you familiar with our company will know (hey its our speciality), so you can aim for as high as 10-11% off MSRP from the dealer which is really scraping the bottom of the barrel of all dealer profits and relies on finder a dealer with maximized manufacturer payouts (generally, use # of Google Reviews to find the top volume dealers, not always but again rule of thumb). If you are getting anything less than 5% off, you are leaving money on the table and I would walk on the deal. If you can get 7%-9% off, thats a below market deal and a great deal.

End of month can be hit or miss, definitely not a guaranteed home run deal, but often doesn't hurt if the dealer is in a position to need more volume - but the catch is, if they hit all their targets, the opposite effect can also happen where they are less motivated to "lose money" on a deal.

Also, very important to consider all additional costs in your equation, if a dealer is adding addendums (vin etch, nitrogen tires, etc) make sure to consider that beyond these discounts. Dealers do have some negligible cost added for these items, but markup is typically very high or high enough where they can match these numbers without actually charging you for the extras. This also goes for dealer fees, I've seen MANY people step over a dollar to pick up a penny by nixing any dealer with high dealer fees (like my great state of FL is notorious for), add it into the sale price and consider the net cost. $5,000 off a car with a $2,000 dealer fee is better than $2,000 off a car with a $0 dealer fee. If you're in the 5%-6%+ off range with dealer fee included in the equation, you're golden, anything more is gravy.

Avoid floor models with accessories already installed if you are handy enough to install yourself.

If leasing or financing, be familiar with buy rates, dealers can and will often mark up the interest/money factor which allows them to hide discounts or show a good deal on the discount, but make it all back up by charging you more interest. We offer a free tool that pulls all manufacturer programs in the US, Mazda included of course, this way you can run your own numbers and keep your dealers honest. Auto Ninjas - Best Online Lease Calculator Tool

Regarding dealer fees, in New York, doc fee is limited to $175. When I was shopping I realized some dealers gave more off the MSRP but made up for it with $600 more in fees so folks should keep that in mind when they are leveling offers. Dealer add ons are also a scam as everyone knows. I had one dealership (Nissan) that added a $800 theft tracker on to all cars. I'm leasing the car, shouldn't I decide if I want it to be tracked for theft? Dealerships like that should be out of business if people understood they were getting fleeced.
Regarding dealer fees, in New York, doc fee is limited to $175. When I was shopping I realized some dealers gave more off the MSRP but made up for it with $600 more in fees so folks should keep that in mind when they are leveling offers. Dealer add ons are also a scam as everyone knows. I had one dealership (Nissan) that added a $800 theft tracker on to all cars. I'm leasing the car, shouldn't I decide if I want it to be tracked for theft? Dealerships like that should be out of business if people understood they were getting fleeced.
An $800 tracker that you pay for! Amazing.
Just bought a 2025 CX-5 S Select today. (Florida)
  • MSRP: $31,320
  • Vehicle Price: $27,900
  • OTD Price: $30,800
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What are you folks paying for your new CX-5's, in relation to MSRP?

I assume demand is far outreaching supply at the moment, and am curious what that's doing to the price.

I ask, primarily, because I have a fairly urgent need for a new vehicle, would like it to be the CX-5, but hate the idea of paying at, or above, MSRP :)

We just bought a 2025 CX5 Turbo premium and the MSRP was a little over 40k Had roof system, All weather mats and mud guards.. They gave us $21800 for our 2021 CX5 turbo GTR with 49k which is what Carvana offered us. That's, what it was worth on trade. They discounted the car $2450 and gave us another $750 Mazda owner loyalty. So $3500 off MSRP. Doc fee was $299 in Missouri
We just bought a 2025 CX5 Turbo premium and the MSRP was a little over 40k Had roof system, All weather mats and mud guards.. They gave us $21800 for our 2021 CX5 turbo GTR with 49k which is what Carvana offered us. That's, what it was worth on trade. They discounted the car $2450 and gave us another $750 Mazda owner loyalty. So $3500 off MSRP. Doc fee was $299 in Missouri
Congrats! Love the CX-5 Turbo, I had an original 2019 Signature when the turbo first hit the market, really loved that motor in that car.

Nice low doc fee, this is a fair deal, I preach that around 6%-7% off MSRP is where you want to be on these cars for a fair deal, although my only advice to anyone reading would be to not include any rebates when considering how good of a deal you got. Rebates are an even playing field across dealers and paid for by the manufacturer, you want to focus on discount off MSRP purely in form of dealer participation, excluding rebates.

Congratulations and enjoy, Greg!
I agree with you on the rebates but I was just putting it out there in case someone did not know they existed. With in WWW that's probably unlikely. We have been driving Mazdas for over 20 years. We only buy the Japan vehicles.
I agree with you on the rebates but I was just putting it out there in case someone did not know they existed. With in WWW that's probably unlikely. We have been driving Mazdas for over 20 years. We only buy the Japan vehicles.
Oh no, I wasn't criticizing at all, still helpful info to put out there, hence why I directed it towards "anyone reading" in case someone saw my advice on the discount target and used rebates to get there, which would be a win for a dealer. We love our dealers, but it is fair game to have our consumers equally informed IMO ;)
I wonder how long before the Tariffs have an affect on our prices.
It depends on what model you have in mind and where you live (US, Canada or Mexico). CX-5 is made in Japan so no tariff for now in the US. Vehicles made in Mexico and Canada but sold in the US will be subjected to a 25% tariff starting this Tuesday. No tariff for vehicles built in the US so CX-50 sold in Canada should be exempt. CX-50 sold in the US may contain parts from Mexico or Canada so tariff would apply on the parts only not the whole vehicle.
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As Freedom55 mentioned..."so no tariff for now in the US." Yes for now.....However many components of our cars are made in different places worldwide and most likely our cars as well as most things will be affected with prices already steep. This might be a good time to buy, however the stealerships are already aware of what's going on, only giving them more leverage when negotiating prices.
However it is based on the MSRP, which is set by Mazda. Well have to see if they make adjustments to that. This could throw their whole strategy out of whack by making the CX-30 more expensive.
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Interesting video from Jonathan Sewell about where some Mazda models sold in the US are made and their US and non US content percentage.
Canadian Tariffs postponed as well. I'm sure that if planning on purchasing a new Mazda CX-5....now is the time, as the stealerships are now educated on the tariff sceanrios, and will probably have the leverage needed to keep customers from getting the best deals available.
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