Ice's N/A Build

Where the solenoid is the pivot plate broke so replaced the rod with one from an older engine and reused the manifolds valves as they were in much better nick :)

Thinking about polishing them up with a dremel but they don't seem to be coated with crud just the steel tarnish that you get from heat :)
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Thanks man!

It's coming along nicely. Should be a rather unique car, wont be able to sell it but all the same should be quite awesome.

Can't wait to hear this thing idling. :D
Saw a Supercharger going on ebay for quite cheap tonight, had the urge to purchase it and strap it on :D

Thankfully saner heads prevailed, am however rethinking my suspension setup. It maybe the 2nd best spring/shock combo behind the mazdaspeed B kit, but there's still way to much initial roll. In fact I think the rolls increased :(
I have espellrs, tokico blues, progress rear sway bar. No rear strut brace yet.

Replacing all my end links soon so hopefully that helps, also have rear strut brace coming :)
are you running urethane bushings? those might help... or, it could be that you are just getting used to the way the car handles, and can start to feel some body movement that was always there. any extra bracing you can add should help.
Oh yeah, have the gtspec reinforcement panel for the vbraces but don't have the arms. even just the panel made a difference. and damn, also have the gtspec trailing arms too. forgot those too. up front is just illuminas,espelirs and gtspec ladder brace. no roll heeya.
Updated first page with my new purchases:
- Japanese Sport20 HID Headlights
- Short Shifter
- Qford Bushes
- GTX 5th Gear - Might be too lower gearing though

Still needed:
- Speed Sensor
- Mfactory LSD

Will try take some photos tonight of the headlights, hope to finish earlier enough to get home paint headlights before installing them this weekend :D
where did you buy your micro tec from?
I bought mine from a guy in the FS section.

If your interested im selling mine, can send pics etc. I keep meaning to throw it up in FS section :/

Interested in seeing those headlights..........

Me too, ive pulled them apart. Just need to bake, sand back and paint them.

Might need new bulbs, but will see :) Unfortunately they use the same HB3 High Beam as you guys, rather then H4 (or is H7 for high beam) that the aussie spec headlights have.

EDIT: Is it HB3? Sounds like a pencil :/
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yeah we have H83/9005 high beam bulbs for P5's (no sedans use that though iirc)...

is that bad though? I honestly don't know, i've just always felt the P5 had some of the better 'non-HID' headlights for the most fiance's jetta...worse than a pair of crappy flashlights with dead batteries duct taped to the hood...
yeah we have H83/9005 high beam bulbs for P5's (no sedans use that though iirc)...

is that bad though? I honestly don't know, i've just always felt the P5 had some of the better 'non-HID' headlights for the most fiance's jetta...worse than a pair of crappy flashlights with dead batteries duct taped to the hood...

Me either.

Edwin implied that H7 a better bulb then the HB3 high beam. But who knows *shrug*

Not sure whether to paint mine now or not... Everyone paints them not many people leave them blank, further I got my set for a steal. I realllllly don't want to stuff them up >.<

On the upside not painting them makes the car more sleeper, down side blacked out headlights are quite purdy. Unsure what to do :(
Bought some more stuff recently:
- Bought Street Series Slotted DBA Rotors x 4
- TRW Racing Brake Fluid
- Autoexe Front + Rear Strut Brace set

Just waiting for them to be shipped to me so I can start the process of my Brake Upgrade :)

Also stopping by engine shop tomorrow to have the following done:
- Crank micropolished
- Pistons walls Teflon Coated
- Bored + Honed
- Balanced
- Bottom End Assembled (Crank + New Bearings + pitsons + rods)

Just hope the pistons don't clear the deck and Andy did his maths correctly :S Not sure at this stage if ill have the head Ceramic coated tbh. Thinking about just leaving it...
Update from engine shop.

Rods/Pistons have been balanced as has been crank. Going to be another couple of weeks though before I see her :'(
Ordered Speedo Gear, Speed Sensor and New Oil Squirters.

Slightly concerned about the amount of dirt etc that gets blown into my garage. If its done in time might see if I can make a trip back to parents place to assemble there...
^ a lot of builders LOVE to make a huge deal out of how surgical you need to be when assembling...i'm not saying its pointless, but to some degree i've found it to be a 'me too' type of thing...With Nissan always thumping their chest about how GT-R engines are hand assembled inside a vacuum chamber, i guess it was inevitable...

its just i've seen what the common machine shop looks like...the place where all these parts are printed before most of us get them...and its hard to find one that is spotless...and in a lot of cases; far worse than the average home mechanics work area...

I'd say you'll be fine with plenty of time, plenty of alcohol, wd-40, nearly limitless clean rags...a fan blowing out of your garage (for dirt, as well as fumes)...and setting up a shop vac hose within a few feet of your stand...keeping the air moving around in the garage will limit most particles from settling on your assembly...for an F1 engine, that wouldn't be the best way to do it...but you're not building a $100k+ mill...just work slowly and triple check surfaces are as clean as possible, and keep stuff coated with wd-40 to prevent rust...more important than removing all traces of dirt, is to not sandwich corroded parts together...and traces of rust will form on bare iron block surfaces literally in minutes, even though it won't yet be visible...

as you move along, it gets much easier...and you quickly learn the order to do things...buff with alcohol, wipe dry, coat with wd-40, quickly assemble, move to next part, etc...don't clean things tonight, then assemble those areas the next day, for example...