What have you done to your CX-5 today?

Would a touch of blue thread lock help?
I was thinking about using the Loctite Threadlocker Blue 242 on the mirror screw. But I keep wondering why Mazda doesn’t use the thread locker on this mirror screw at factory even though they know it’s prone to loose? The pointed tip of the screw is going into the soft aluminum alloy mirror base plate which is glued on the windshield, and it’ll get loose eventually unless we keep tightening it up more from time to time. IMO I don’t believe the Threadlocker can prevent this problem.
i thought they said it was going into plastic.
Well, I’d apply the threadlocker on the screw thread and both sides are metal. “Going into plastic” to me means the pointed-tip of the screw presses against the mirror base which actually is not plastic either, but the aluminum alloy.
i thought they said it was going into plastic.
I just provided a warning to not use Loctite thread locker on plastic because I do not know what material the screw was going into. The picture of the screw provided looks like it could be used for plastic mating materials.
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In a non-critical application such as the mirror screw, just about anything along the lines of thread locker can be used.

In a pinch, I've used fingernail polish or even Elmers Glue in other applications.
I finally torqued down the mirror screw to 15 lb-in after waiting for the tint to cure (thank goodness for torque adapters) The mirror no longer shakes! Though it sucks that I had to do this in the first place. I'm lucky the shop left the screw in the cup holder.
Haven't done much with the car the past several months, as it was in the shop having a rear-end "owie" removed. (Tailgater "kissed" the back end, destroying her car but causing only minor buckling on my tailgate and bumper.)

Time to give it a good wash, clay bar, polish and sealant prior to the wetter and colder months coming just 'round the corner. Just got new liftgate and bumper assemblies installed, after a fender-bender (tailgater). Everything's back to normal, as it was just a minor buckling of the fascia, but it's time to clean and polish everything back there. The trim work could do with another treatment of the PreWOW and BlackWOW chemicals. Amazing stuff, getting the black trim pieces looking nearly new again.

Need to get the cabin air filter changed.
Finally cut the cord and bought the AAWireless adapter for my CX-5. Setup was a bit weird, but so far, it works well enough. There is some delay with Google Assistant, but is not as bad as the Motorola MA1 in my Civic. It has a smaller footprint than the MA1, too.

Though one minor annoyance is the fact that the car keeps power to the center console USBs some time after the car turns off. And I notice the unit generates some heat. Any ideas to tidy up the adapter placement?
Washed and my annual wax job happened yesterday. Took me 5 beers to do it but I got er done. 🍺

I love Meguiar's Ultimate liquid wax! Easy on easy off and it looks great! Plus, this wax can be used on the entire car, including the plastic bits without leaving white marks on anything.

The MX is next, then I guess my BFT (Chevy Silverado 2500HD diesel w/8 foot bed). I'll let you figure out what BFT stands for. ;)
Factory cargo cover arrived. I found it online for much less than the dealer price. Though I didn't realize it'd be angled when the trunk is closed. And I'm a little worried about the clips that hold it to the hatch.

Please excuse the shopping bags.

I'm tempted to add the factory bumper protector. Though I'm not sure how well it will look in real life verses the pictures.

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