NEMOC Random BS Thread

Afternoon everybody :)

So who else is already tired of hearing about this SUV and Bikers every 3 seconds?

Being someone who had a run in with bikers just like this, and my 2004's doors were kicked in because I had to use an exit near them, I've got ZERO sympathy for the a$$hats on the bikes. That's my take and I'm done talking about it now lol.
I'm with you. I've been blocked on the highway so their friends can do burnouts and speed down an open road. I've been cut off and I've almost rear ended bikers through no fault of my own. I already had a long conversation about it with my mountain biking friends. Turns out one of them is a big sport biker and was upset that I was making generalizations about all sport bikers. I know there are responsible riders that keep it on the track, but events like this show that there are more than enough riders out there to justify the bad rap they get.
And all MS3 owners are dicks and all VW owners are idiots and etc etc. We make generalizations about all sorts of folks, especially based on what they drive. I have a number of friends who ride, and I would absolutely love to get a motorbike myself if my husband and parents wouldn't kill me, so I'm not a huge fan of calling out all motorcyclists. Yes this was a horrible incident, but its a pretty good example of mob mentality.

Did you know all MTBers are hippies and road cyclists are elitest snobs?

Just saying.
What are seasons? 80s here everyday, sometimes raining, sometimes not. I'm waiting for it to clear up so I can go for a ride.
Busy day yesterday. Cleaned out and lubed the towbar on the rig. Then started to clean the outside of the rig. Rims and cab area completed. Working on the rest of the outside today. Still beautiful weather.
oi.. weeks like this are precisely why I'm much happier not having cable TV. Sometimes glorious ignorance of current events is the way to go.
oi.. weeks like this are precisely why I'm much happier not having cable TV. Sometimes glorious ignorance of current events is the way to go.

i live in a giant bubble, which is exactly the reason why I have no idea why the government is in a shutdown :D
pretty much.. again, it's the main reason that I don't miss cable. I got rid of it when I got laid off back in FEB, and I haven't thought about turning it back on even once since I started working again in June. Netflix and Hulu+ are all I need, and they only cost me a combined $15 a month as opposed to $140.

no complaints here!
Psh Hulu+ isn't needed. Free Hulu, Netflix (3 DVD plan) and Amazon Prime gives me more than I could ever possibly watch

I've been without cable since I bought my condo 4.5 years ago