Off Topic: The Fitness Thread

Some recent shenanigans.

Hey 7, how have you been liking the S22i?
Ha! Thanks for asking!
It's going very well, actually. I'm honestly pretty hooked on it. I have been riding it every other day for going on 2 months now.
I really like the "Ride with a trainer" thing you can do. I did a 12 part ride in Hawaii and am working my way through Moab, Utah now.
I've recently done some of the live "On Air" sessions which are pretty cool.
I don't really feel like I'm in better shape really, but I think it is working. I did a different beginning ride earlier this week and for the first time....I was like "Ok ..this one is way too easy!". Was it easier then others I've done? Or am I seeing results? Hopefully the latter.
Ha! Thanks for asking!
It's going very well, actually. I'm honestly pretty hooked on it. I have been riding it every other day for going on 2 months now.
I really like the "Ride with a trainer" thing you can do. I did a 12 part ride in Hawaii and am working my way through Moab, Utah now.
I've recently done some of the live "On Air" sessions which are pretty cool.
I don't really feel like I'm in better shape really, but I think it is working. I did a different beginning ride earlier this week and for the first time....I was like "Ok ..this one is way too easy!". Was it easier then others I've done? Or am I seeing results? Hopefully the latter.

Nice! Sounds way more engaging and fun compared to parking a stationary bike in front of the TV and watching Netflix, haha. Glad you're enjoying it!
Ha! Thanks for asking!
It's going very well, actually. I'm honestly pretty hooked on it. I have been riding it every other day for going on 2 months now.
I really like the "Ride with a trainer" thing you can do. I did a 12 part ride in Hawaii and am working my way through Moab, Utah now.
I've recently done some of the live "On Air" sessions which are pretty cool.
I don't really feel like I'm in better shape really, but I think it is working. I did a different beginning ride earlier this week and for the first time....I was like "Ok ..this one is way too easy!". Was it easier then others I've done? Or am I seeing results? Hopefully the latter.
Interesting...I hear a lot about Peloton, curious how they compare with NordicTrack.
One thing I would highly suggest, if someone is interested in spinning live classes, is Echelon. The value proposal that Echelon brings, compared with Peloton is unmatched.

Walmart has exclusive rights for an Echelon bike (Connect Sport) which are around $699 CAD and it comes with 6 months free subscription on all live and on demand classes. If you compare this with Peloton, it is a quarter of the price. There is simply no better proposal out there.

If somebody is interested for more information, just message me.
Interesting...I hear a lot about Peloton, curious how they compare with NordicTrack.

This is the fitness thread, Muggs. Go ahead and share here. No need for Private Messaging.
What's so great about Echelon?

I compared the hell out of them. And the Bowflex, Proform and the Myx. My first choice was the Bowflex because it tilts side to side providing a bit of core exercise, too. That was so far sold out I settled for my second choice: the Nordic Track. I would have bought the s15i but it, also, was out of stock. So I bought the more expensive s22i (@ $1,999).
The difference being the size of the screen (15" vs 22").
Things that sold me on it vs the competition:
The Nordic Track is the only bike that inclines and declines.
It comes with a full year of the iFit family training package which includes 4 people (Bowflex gives 3 months single membership, Peloton ONE). So my wife has an account. (This is, not to sound like a salesman, 'regular price': $360 for a family plan annual membership).
The screen turns to the left or right so you can get off the bike and do other exercises with the iFit app that don't involve the bike. Peloton recently did add a bike that does this, but the original ones did not.
Also, unlike most (if not all) the others, the trainers in the iFit app control the resistance and incline of your bike. So all I need to do is pedal. That works very well. You can override if it's too much, too. The Peloton and Bowflex DO NOT do this so I'm actually glad it was sold out because it's my favorite feature now.
Another benefit of spending BANK on these things I hadn't considered... this alone is a motivator. I really didn't want to ride the other day. LONG day, tired, ate late...and then I thought...
MOTHER F! YOU SPENT 2 GRAND ON THAT THING! Get your butt downstairs and GO GO GO GO. And Go I did. :D
This is the fitness thread, Muggs. Go ahead and share here. No need for Private Messaging.
What's so great about Echelon?

I compared the hell out of them. And the Bowflex, Proform and the Myx. My first choice was the Bowflex because it tilts side to side providing a bit of core exercise, too. That was so far sold out I settled for my second choice: the Nordic Track. I would have bought the s15i but it, also, was out of stock. So I bought the more expensive s22i (@ $1,999).
The difference being the size of the screen (15" vs 22").
Things that sold me on it vs the competition:
The Nordic Track is the only bike that inclines and declines.
It comes with a full year of the iFit family training package which includes 4 people (Bowflex gives 3 months single membership, Peloton ONE). So my wife has an account. (This is, not to sound like a salesman, 'regular price': $360 for a family plan annual membership).
The screen turns to the left or right so you can get off the bike and do other exercises with the iFit app that don't involve the bike. Peloton recently did add a bike that does this, but the original ones did not.
Also, unlike most (if not all) the others, the trainers in the iFit app control the resistance and incline of your bike. So all I need to do is pedal. That works very well. You can override if it's too much, too. The Peloton and Bowflex DO NOT do this so I'm actually glad it was sold out because it's my favorite feature now.
Another benefit of spending BANK on these things I hadn't considered... this alone is a motivator. I really didn't want to ride the other day. LONG day, tired, ate late...and then I thought...
MOTHER F! YOU SPENT 2 GRAND ON THAT THING! Get your butt downstairs and GO GO GO GO. And Go I did. :D

I agree Muggs1, please share. Peloton seems to have a lot of great marketing behind it, but based on what 7 said, I think I'd be more inclined to buy a NordicTrack if I were shopping, as the family subscription and trainer-controlled resistance would be big draws for me as well.

Forgot the NT also included the 3# dumbbells. Peloton is extra charge.
Excellent, thanks for the comparison @7eregrine! Yeah it definitely seems like the NordicTrack is the better value especially with all those useful features. 👍

I wonder though, why do I hear so much more about Peloton? Is it superior marketing? Availability? If NT were Mazda, which competitor would Peloton be..? :)
I think Peloton's success was in large part to them really being first with the kick ass app that allowed live sessions on the bike. A lot of good marketing surely helped.
This is the fitness thread, Muggs. Go ahead and share here. No need for Private Messaging.
What's so great about Echelon?

I compared the hell out of them. And the Bowflex, Proform and the Myx. My first choice was the Bowflex because it tilts side to side providing a bit of core exercise, too. That was so far sold out I settled for my second choice: the Nordic Track. I would have bought the s15i but it, also, was out of stock. So I bought the more expensive s22i (@ $1,999).
The difference being the size of the screen (15" vs 22").
Things that sold me on it vs the competition:
The Nordic Track is the only bike that inclines and declines.
It comes with a full year of the iFit family training package which includes 4 people (Bowflex gives 3 months single membership, Peloton ONE). So my wife has an account. (This is, not to sound like a salesman, 'regular price': $360 for a family plan annual membership).
The screen turns to the left or right so you can get off the bike and do other exercises with the iFit app that don't involve the bike. Peloton recently did add a bike that does this, but the original ones did not.
Also, unlike most (if not all) the others, the trainers in the iFit app control the resistance and incline of your bike. So all I need to do is pedal. That works very well. You can override if it's too much, too. The Peloton and Bowflex DO NOT do this so I'm actually glad it was sold out because it's my favorite feature now.
Another benefit of spending BANK on these things I hadn't considered... this alone is a motivator. I really didn't want to ride the other day. LONG day, tired, ate late...and then I thought...
MOTHER F! YOU SPENT 2 GRAND ON THAT THING! Get your butt downstairs and GO GO GO GO. And Go I did. :D

Hey, sorry for the late reply. First of all, it really depends what are you trying to achieve. Being a Connect BIKE, its main purpose is to bike being connected to virtual live classes and/or demand.

The main reason to buy Echelon Connect Sport Bike, is stated in my previous email, the PRICE. You simply cannot beat a $699 CAD (not USD) which went on sale for 100$ off during Black Friday. I am still within the free subscription and my wife and I can both use all the functions, as we have 2 different profiles within the same account.

It has a 32 lvl magnetic resistance, the build quality is very good, it comes with 6 months FREE SUBSCRIPTION, afterwards it starts at 19,99/month. The classes and trainers are very good and likeable and the community is really nice and growing.

Why is the price so low compared with the Echelon site ? It doesn't come with a screen, which everybody finds it best, as you can use your phone, tablet or cast it to your own TV and if broken you don't need to pay thousands (as in Peloton's case).

Second, is doesn't come with Dumbells, but most likely you don't need it but if you do, its like $10 each.

To summarize it I see no point in spending money for a Peloton, when you can buy a way way cheaper version and basically do the same thing, unless you have money to throw out on the window.
To summarize it I see no point in spending money for a Peloton, when you can buy a way way cheaper version and basically do the same thing, unless you have money to throw out on the window.

Basically do the same thing? Did you read my review? You are talking about the base model Echelon? That's nowhere near the same. You might as well get one of the Schwinn's if you're not looking for a 'connected' bike. I did not throw money out the window. I got an excellent bike that has motivated me way more than your setup could. Worth every penny.
You can't compare the base Echelon to a Peloton or Nordic Track. You can if you compare the high end Echelon, because yea, they sell a high end competitor too (that doesn't not compete well at all with my bike, crazy to buy that over a NT):
If you just want a bike that you can use with any service on a TV, Tablet or Phone? Why not go with the Schwinn for $300 that has amazing reviews, instead of "throwing money away" on the base Echelon that doesn't even have any type of display at all? The IC2, at least, has an LCD that shows Speed, RPM, Distance and time. Yours doesn't?
Schwinn is also a decent competitor. I looked into them AFTER I had already placed my order. The IC4 isn't bad if you want the attached screen. Works with the Peloton and Zwift app:
Basically do the same thing? Did you read my review? You are talking about the base model Echelon? That's nowhere near the same. You might as well get one of the Schwinn's if you're not looking for a 'connected' bike. I did not throw money out the window. I got an excellent bike that has motivated me way more than your setup could. Worth every penny.
You can't compare the base Echelon to a Peloton or Nordic Track. You can if you compare the high end Echelon, because yea, they sell a high end competitor too (that doesn't not compete well at all with my bike, crazy to buy that over a NT):
If you just want a bike that you can use with any service on a TV, Tablet or Phone? Why not go with the Schwinn for $300 that has amazing reviews, instead of "throwing money away" on the base Echelon that doesn't even have any type of display at all? The IC2, at least, has an LCD that shows Speed, RPM, Distance and time. Yours doesn't?
Schwinn is also a decent competitor. I looked into them AFTER I had already placed my order. The IC4 isn't bad if you want the attached screen. Works with the Peloton and Zwift app:

I guess you haven't payed attention to what I said. I said for the basic stuff like biking and taking live spin classes and on demand content there is not a better option than Echelon. Plus I can use my bike with any Apps that I want, including Peloton. I can control my own resistance, therefore I don't need a real benefit in somebody else controlling it, I can do the other exercises that are being offered, on the app, cast on my TV, way better than rotating a bike display screen. Incline ? I have resistance I don't need incline.

I don't need a display because the Echelon app can be installed on phones, tablets or cast it to TV. The Echelon app along with the Connect bike, shows you RPM's, outputs, calories consumed, etc, you can connect your FITBIT and Strava to the app, etc. See below a snippet from an youtube clip about the app.

I wanted a connected bike to take live spin classes and on-demand, at a decent price and from my research you can't really find a better bike out there from this perspective.

If you can justify your additional "features" by paying thousands that's ok, I am just trying to help people who want to do this and don't want to spend thousand on a bike, when they can get basically 95% of the features in the basic one.
Let's keep it civil everyone. The point of the discussion was to learn about how the bikes differ so that others reading the thread could benefit from understanding the differences. Not to argue about which one is better (especially since, as demonstrated by both of you, different people prefer different things).

Back on topic please.
I was not being rude. You specifically said your bike does "basically the same thing" as a Peloton. Sure, a Mazda does the same thing as a Jaguar too. :D
After now learning all about the low end bikes, the Schwinn seems a better deal. It's cheaper and has a screen that tracks some stuff so I don't HAVE TO use my phone. Surely you can see an advantage?
Although if I wanted to use a phone the Schwinn has a USB port so I can charge it. Bonus!

The NT also has an app for Amazon, Apple TV, Chromecast and coming soon Roku.

All I can say, Muggs, if you took ONE class on my NT with the trainer controlling your resistance and incline, you'd be a fan. Very much worth it. I don't want to spend time dicking around with that, let's just ride!

Enjoy your bike, bro. That's all that matters in the end. I'll do the same.
Back to workouts, I did do another live class this morning. I am really starting to enjoy these. I even sent the trainer a question this morning that she answered (re: handlebar height). That was cool.
"Got a question from Vincent in Cleveland!"
There's a QR code on the screen and you scan it and can send a question in. Very cool.
Then during cool down she had us get off the bike and do some push ups and stretches. Really starting to like these live sessions. Told a fitness oriented co-worker about how much I like it and she says "MM-hm, just like my friend with the Peloton... you're drinking the koolaid now!" Haha
(Because it seems people with these devices are very enthusiastic about them...)
I was not being rude. You specifically said your bike does "basically the same thing" as a Peloton. Sure, a Mazda does the same thing as a Jaguar too. :D
After now learning all about the low end bikes, the Schwinn seems a better deal. It's cheaper and has a screen that tracks some stuff so I don't HAVE TO use my phone. Surely you can see an advantage?
Although if I wanted to use a phone the Schwinn has a USB port so I can charge it. Bonus!

The NT also has an app for Amazon, Apple TV, Chromecast and coming soon Roku.

All I can say, Muggs, if you took ONE class on my NT with the trainer controlling your resistance and incline, you'd be a fan. Very much worth it. I don't want to spend time dicking around with that, let's just ride!

Enjoy your bike, bro. That's all that matters in the end. I'll do the same.
Thanks dude, enjoy your bike too! :)
Im still fat, but am working toward being leaner while trying to maintain minimal strength standards. Here is this year's gut check for the latter. Weights, cardio, jujitsu.
Thanks for reminding me about this thread @Unobtanium. Not gonna lie, I fell off the path hard recently, both kids caught a bug (thankfully not covid), slowly got better, then caught another bug from my sister's kids (again, thankfully not covid). They're just getting back to normal which means I can start going back to normal and fitting more exercise back into my schedule. Still hanging around at a soft 210 lbs.
Thanks for reminding me about this thread @Unobtanium. Not gonna lie, I fell off the path hard recently, both kids caught a bug (thankfully not covid), slowly got better, then caught another bug from my sister's kids (again, thankfully not covid). They're just getting back to normal which means I can start going back to normal and fitting more exercise back into my schedule. Still hanging around at a soft 210 lbs.
I've just been working, lifting, and rolling jujitsu. Slowly becoming more and more of a monster :)