I am hoping someone can help me. I have a 2011 CX9 GT with the advanced smart key system (or whatever they call it). We have two working fobs that eat through batteries, so I just bought a used FOB off Ebay (with the key already cut). We don't need the actual key, since we have two. I am trying to program the key following the instructions on the first post for Advanced Keyless System, however have not been successful. I am bringing the two working fobs into the car with the new one. The instructions say to insert the key from the unprogrammed key into the ignition and turn it to on. However, the key itself isn't programmed and so won't turn. I am able to turn the switch without the key in it a little, then insert the key which allows me to turn it to on and ACC no problem. However, following the programming instructions does not work.
Here are my questions. Does it matter that the FOB is already programmed for another car? Is there anything I should do with the new key that is cut for another car? Should I use one of the other keys during the programming process, or does it have to be the new key? What else could I be missing? Any help is appreciated!