2023 CX-5 Can't update maps

Yea its time limited based on your vin.
From what I recall, the nav license file is generated after your drive the car 60 miles with the sd.
The license has the sd card id and the car vin. I suspect this is what is registered with the toolbox. They used(still do) to verify the sdcard id somehow starting around 2020-2021.
You can copy the card to another card (it would work in the car) and see if toolbox would work. It used to work on the pre 2021 navs but that wont increase the time period. You can buy a vanilla new card and see if that increases the period but probably wont.
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The car and SD card are not linked as such. You can replace the card at will. The VIN *IS* stored on the card, and so linked back at Mazda if you try to do an update, but if you never do that, no one knows.
But I don't believe it is possible to just buy a new ~$50 card on Amazon after your updates run out and start over again. You may be able to buy the $450 card from Mazda though....
One could buy extensions directly from the vendor. No need for new cards, and they are cheaper than a new card anyway.
So your car was not exclusively linked to your old SD-card (I mean the SD-card is linked to your car, not the other way around).
Else you could not have used another new SD-card.

If I am correct your free subscription is time limited, not the number of updates.
I think you can buy another new SD-card including a full 3 year subscription and use it in your car.

You're right on the first part, partially right on the second.

AT THE TIME my 'free' subscription was both time limited and limited to three updates within three years. I'm 100% certain of this as it's spelled out in the manual that came with my CX AND this is how it worked out.
One could buy extensions directly from the vendor. No need for new cards, and they are cheaper than a new card anyway.
The only way you can get updates beyond the original time is to buy from the OEM. Not sure if they will work with an aftermarket card either. I would think so in my case as I am able to update with my non OEM purchased card.
I did, but once I get past my update period (and this has apparently changed for many buying Amazon SD cards- they get no updates at all) will I be able to buy updates? Not sure I can with it not being a "legit" card purchased from a dealer.
Yes, you can buy extension if your card is update-able now. Its even cheaper than a new oem card from Mazda.
Its Mazda thats "locking" the initial price so high, the nav vendor"s price is actually quite reasonable but only kicks-in as option after the Mazda 3years expire.
I had issues updating my SD card found in my 2023 CX-5 - KAAA 66 EZ1 EU/RUSSIA. And finally was able to do it using
MazdaMapUpdateGlobal downloaded from here:


Thanks to Ash8 for posting in another forum about the card numbers that are not working with Mazda toolbox:

Yes, and the posts seem to be about getting a genuine Mazda card to update properly with the updated website.
be nice if they could be updated. I have an amazon card that claims to be the latest but it has maps from 2021 and does not show several new streets i drive by. I like how it shows speed limits and stop signs but those are not always accurate as a couple streets I drive down almost daily have dropped from 35 to 25mph and the speed stills shows those as 35mph. they have new speed limit signs so the car is not recognizing the signs but relying on the old navigation.
be nice if they could be updated. I have an amazon card that claims to be the latest but it has maps from 2021 and does not show several new streets i drive by. I like how it shows speed limits and stop signs but those are not always accurate as a couple streets I drive down almost daily have dropped from 35 to 25mph and the speed stills shows those as 35mph. they have new speed limit signs so the car is not recognizing the signs but relying on the old navigation.
Interesting. I popped one of those Ebay cards into my 2024 cx5 and although the streets are not 100% UpToDate, having the SD card in now allows our CX5 to read and display the actual stop and speed limit signs as I drive along.

I was hoping that the new site to update Mazda SD cards would work with those from ebay/amazon but I guess not.
Yes, and the posts seem to be about getting a genuine Mazda card to update properly with the updated website.

Well, there was the one...

Anyway, My CX came with the nav card, but my MX did not.

I purchased a card from Amazon for my MX, the first card shipped did NOTHING. The car didn't even recognize that a card was inserted. I contacted the seller, and he shipped out a new card. This one worked perfectly, and I was able to update it over the three-year period just fine.

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