WOMP protege supercharger project

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Of course you understand kiddo, mom is gonna buy this for ya huh? She's gonna be sooo mad when she sees you trying to hook up her car.
dude do you even have a license yet come on why dont you wait till you quit shitting yellow before you talk about s\c why not gain some experience first then come and talk
Well, hell I would do it.

For a car that has very little in the way of aftermarket performance mods you tend to take what you can get. Some people may prefer the higher power numbers that a turbo will produce while others may like a flat power curve that matty's system will produce (something honda boy might not know about but thats another story for another day).

and yes I have my license thank you
If you want a S/C for your Protege that won't put out good gains, then go to the junk yard get one for $20 and put it on the back seat. I have the first preview of the womp. (rockon)


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The last 2 pages of this thread need to be deleted. We dont need idiots trolling a around a serious topic. The sad thing is that you know nothing about the SC kit at all or how a SC works. Everytime you post you make a bigger fool of yourself and I hope everyone else will ignore you.
What serious topic??? We are talking about a $3000 upgrade that does nothing. And you support it. So you tell me who is the idiot???
Guys (or guy) do you have any comprehension of how Forced Induction works? Turbo or Super, the point of it is to blow more air into the engine. PSI has nothing to do with the amount of air that is flowing. Think of it this way. If you have a million gallon water tank (think Shamu) and you have two openings in the bottom of the tank, one is 1" and one is 100", a lot more water is gonna flow out of the 100" one, but it will only go a couple feet from the opening. But the 1" opening will flow a MUCH smaller amount of water, but it will squirt out a lot longer and do it at much higher pressure.

It's the same concept with FI. More air gives you more power. If there's only 100 cubic feet of air going into an engine every minute, even if it's in a teeny tiny pipe that compresses the air to the point where it's at 30 PSI, its not gonna produce anywhere NEAR the amount of power that 1,000 cubic feet of air per minute will produce. More air=more fuel=more power. Even if the device pushing 1000 cfm only blows at 10 psi, that means that at 30 psi it will blow 3,000 cfm.

Are you following me here? I'm not trying to be a dick, even though you're insulting my friend, I'm trying to not be an asshole, just to educate you. Let me know if I am, but I swear I'm really not trying to. And if you dont know, just tell me and I'll explain it to you. Everybody has to learn, and you probably know more about nitrous induction than I do, so just tell the truth.
You should see the quarter mile go by in 14.2 sec. And be proud to say you did all the mods your damn self. And tell me who's the Honda boy that doesn't know anything.

The last two pages should not be deleted. They bring the B.S. to everyones attention. If you had a sheltered childhood, then this is not for you. One day reality will be in your sight, and this will all make sense. Please go spend $3K for your flat power, then look at your dyno and tell me that it is flat. I'd be pissed if I bought any mod and my curves stopped rising.
i dont need to know about this peice of s*** supercharger to tell you its not worth a damn anyone who would spend three grand on a s\c that will get heat soaked the first time it spooled up is the true idiot ill give you the benifit of the doubt it was a good idea but thats about it a good idea that should not be given a second look
If I knew nothing about FI, then I wouldn't waste my time here. Yes, more air is a good thing to an extent. But he's apparently not goin for numbers, so why do this at all? I'm not trying to be an asshole, but you guys frustrate me with this, why would anyone buy FI for looks? If that is the case, then say so. If its for show, then go ahead!
howie310 said:
i dont need to know about this peice of s*** supercharger to tell you its not worth a damn anyone who would spend three grand on a s\c that will get heat soaked the first time it spooled up is the true idiot ill give you the benifit of the doubt it was a good idea but thats about it a good idea that should not be given a second look
Superchargers spool up? Please stop posting now
ok you got me i misworded my last reply my bad but i agree with n2o99civicsi if its just for looks then say so and quit defending it like your sisters virginity ive looked at the numbers and they really dont impress me
Let me see if I got this right......You want to build a supercharger that sucks the the air from the engine compartment (which by the way will be hot) and feed it back across the headers and radiator, and you're not going to cool it in anyway. You may be blowing more air, but it's hot air. That makes absolutely no since.
n2ocivic, of course this kit is gonna help out on the numbers, but the point of the project is not to make PEAK numbers. If you make 150hp up to 6500 rpm, then you make 200 until you redline at 7000 (hey, it's not a honda, ok ;)) it's pointless. That's what is meant by not shooting for peak power. He is going for power, but he's going for power in an even curve (flat doesn't mean horizontal. The side of a mountain makes a flat shape too, and that's more of what we're going for)

the purpose of this project is to make an engine that feels like a much larger NA engine that is more powerful across the board, not just in the top section of the RPM range. The purpose is to make a car that's a blast to drive every day and around circuit tracks where being able to tap into power without mashing the trottle to load up the turbine is neccesary. I'm not gonna get in to the turbo vs super argument again, cause it's pointless. But the Powerdyne blower has been proven to make power, and lots of it. That's not an issue, but if you dont believe me then please just stop making claims that you can't back up and wait for the dyno numbers to come out.
What ******* numbers! The kit isnt even done yet, no one knows what the numbers are gonna look like. Matty has an idea but like he said he isnt saying for sure. The BD-600 can make 12psi max and 15psi with upgraded internals. Matty is expecting to run 200whp @ 6psi. Also all those kits you posted arent even complete kits the ones under 3k dont even come with a IC. If you wanna talk heat soak go run a turbo with no IC. You seriously are ignorant in every sense of the words meaning. You do realise you are going to be ripped to shreds the seconds matty posts in here?
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