What did you pay for your CX-9?

You can look at cargurus.com for pricing info. looking at those prices for touring with premium package, good price could be estimated at 33.5 - 34K + TTL which would include 2K cash back

Thank you for the contribution. I can see the dealers list their "Internet price" from 32.5K to 33.5K. One thing that I didn't mention was I am looking for the FWD version since I live in GA and not much of snow down here.
Yeah, I don't have the exact numbers in front of me- but basically I got my dealer to undercut the $33.5k-ish offer on a similar CX-9 at another regional dealer, then negotiated my trade in up to to about $3k more than its honest value (okay- that's not technically part of the "price" on my CX-9, but it was money out of their pocket not mine). I think they mostly went with it because I agreed to use their lender, and I'm local enough that they know they'll get my service business. Lender didn't matter so much to me because the rate was fair and I'll have it paid off in a year regardless.

Thank you for the contribution!!!! I assume that I might be able to get the price down more as the dealers must move their 2019 models as after Dec 31 these cars will become the previous year models? isn't that right?
Purchased a 2019 GT two weeks ago today and traded in my Acura MDX. Price breakdown as below

MSRP 43,685
Discount 3,685
Cash Back 2,000

Final price 38,000

For my trade in 2017 Acura MDX:

KBB very good shape 23,230
NADA average 26,150
Carfax 24,780
truecar $23,725 - $26,525

Trade in price 25,000
Thank you for the contribution!!!! I assume that I might be able to get the price down more as the dealers must move their 2019 models as after Dec 31 these cars will become the previous year models? isn't that right?

Yes and no. Prices will come down, but not as soon as it hits Jan 1. When the 2020 model specifications are officially announced, 2019 models will take a slight hit. When the 2020s start arriving on the lots, that is the best time to buy a leftover 2019. Also, if you wait until the end of the month, your chances of negotiating a better deal are higher as the salespeople are more likely to be trying to meet a month-end quota.
Anyone work any deals on 19 Signatures recently? I have a few dealers quoting on GT but there aren't many left (especially colors I'll take) but there are still a bunch of Sigs.

According to TrueCar, "excellent" completed deals in my neck of the woods are running better than 16% off msrp so that says it's possible the get one for $40k (17% off 46600 msrp). I'm a pretty tough negotiator and don't have any problem dropping a "I'll buy it today for..." offer. I will be trading my 19 CX5 Sig so it will be a car and cash offer but still gotta start knowing what I can buy the 9 for. I will qualify for upgrade and loyalty rebates.
I'm looking at possibly picking up a CX 9 in the near future and was wondering what kind of deals people have been finding.
Maybe the 2018 and 2019 pricing threads should be merged into this thread?

I'll leave it to Antoine to decide.
Maybe the 2018 and 2019 pricing threads should be merged into this thread?

I'll leave it to Antoine to decide.

Excellent idea! I've merged the threads, removed unnecessary posts and edited others to integrate everything as seamlessly as possible.

The CX-9 section should have its own dedicated pricing thread and now it's here...Let's put it to good use, thanks!
For those of you who bought the 2019 CX9, please provide your feedback on the suspension changes and extra quietness of the vehicle. Have the changes that Mazda has done for 2019 improved the ride quality? Did you get a chance to compare the 2019 and 2018 model years? Appreciate any inputs.
See this discussion: https://www.mazdas247.com/forum/ind...ving-impressions-dealer-loaner-car.123870728/

I noticed a driving 'experience' between my '18 GT and the '19 Sig. that the dealer gave me as a loaner. Steering felt much better in the '19, partially due to the delta in tires and the steering system components between the two years (verified by the service manager).
Hey all,

Been a long time lurker. On my 3rd Mazda

Picked Up Red 2019 CX-9 GT for $34k +TTL at the end of FEB. It replaced a 2008 CX-9 loving it so far.

Also own a 2016 6

Congrats on the pickup! Would love to see some pics of the CX-9 in Soul Red, it seems to be a rarer colour choice on the CX-9.

Feel free to check out the Resources section for some DIY guides for the 2016+ CX-9, I've written up quite a few over the past couple of years.
Congrats on the pickup! Would love to see some pics of the CX-9 in Soul Red, it seems to be a rarer colour choice on the CX-9.

Feel free to check out the Resources section for some DIY guides for the 2016+ CX-9, I've written up quite a few over the past couple of years.

Not the greatest shots but here ya go.


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Looking to buy a CX-9 GT but will most likely go used since the news seem not to be discounted much. Which is amazing given the virus lockdown crap going on.

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