The Slammed Life







Radiusing the fenders tonight. More pictures and better fitment soon.


Everyone involved is ok. The car is totalled. Got some money. Bought it back. Buying a daily and fixing the msp. I lost traction on the dragon with the ass end and it came around and I slammed into the side of a 4dr Integra. That's the short version
That sucks man. Are they going to straighten the frame or weld on a new front end? If welding I vote for tubular front frame!
They will look at straighting it first. I'm paying out of pocket for the whole msp. But hey no more car payment lol
I guess that's a positive thing. Got a line on replacement parts yet? You could always throw a turbo kl in there. Justsaying
Might be selling mines if interested :) just give me an offer some one offered me 250 lol and it's a good deal but I'm too lazy to ship it
mike, i can fix that lip man.

and chef!!!! looks good!!! iv been following the pics on FB and cant wait to see how they look and how low you adjust it now : D