Team Pro5 Discussiones

This s*** has gotten too, ummm complicated.

I just want to work on and drive my car.

Not the drama.

Best of luck with the club
Only reason i asked to join was because i had gone through the pro5 threads and had seen seen other sedans were in so i figure why not. I wanted to be part of it thats why i asked Efren if i could join, he mentioned they had a few sedans, he asked for my mod list and pics i obviously went through some looking over before he made a decision so once he said yes i figured it was ok so i posted my stuff.

I would rock the logo along with my buddy Rico here in SATX, We dont have a big Mazda scene here and i just wanted to be apart of something bigger i have big plans for my car and imo its gonna be highly modded and hope others will think its at that "elite" level or at least up there.

I honestly didnt think people were gonna have a s*** fit and it was gonna cause all this by me posting my car i may not have a p5 but i would have worn that decal with pride knowing i was part of the group. But i talked with Efren and told him i was sorry for any grief this may have cased and that i didnt want to cause any problems and that i would remove my car from the roll call thread.

So hope all future plans works out for group and best of luck. My only advice is dont over complicate it by doing all that stuff i use to be in a club once and it worked because it was just laid back no drama about whose car was better and people voting on others cars and all that stuff. It was just a bunch of us hanging out enjoying each others company and working on our and each others cars. Giving any advice and help we could to each other.
Maybe I should mail my sticker back. I really don't have any major plans for my P5. Springs, wheels, CAI, header w/stock exhaust, mz6 brake upgrade, short shift kit. Not really "note worthy" when you look at other cars already on "the team".
Nope this team is nothing like that to begin with, main thing your down and proud of your Pro5:)
Nope this team is nothing like that to begin with, main thing your down and proud of your Pro5:)

As long as these guys post up on the roll call and get involved. Team Pro5 needs more activity. Nobody's said anything that mattered for a long time. Until like three days ago or whatever.

I dont like the amount of members with 1 or 2 posts
As long as these guys post up on the roll call and get involved. Team Pro5 needs more activity. Nobody's said anything that mattered for a long time. Until like three days ago or whatever.

I dont like the amount of members with 1 or 2 posts

This I agree with; although I'm a noob, and have only a couple of posts, this is mostly due to crap weather (no updates to the car), or nothing to add to the conversation.

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