Chris' Mazdaspeed6 Stereo install log


Wow chris,

That is the sickest install I have ever seen. Probably don't remember me but I was over at for a little while when I was putting my system in my P5. I think my handle might have been septimus while I was there.

I love the attention to detail and fit and finish on your install, makes me (bj).
Thanks guys. I've got a few more projects to finish up, like mounting the bass knob and processor display but other than that I'm calling it finished.
Ohh, great stuff there! I'm doing that same thing with my mids in the doors and since you're like the install GOD, this will really help.

And I hear you on that sensitivty setting on the DCX. Drove me nuts for awhile until I finally figured it out.

Oh and WTF? A cap???? (boom04) :D
Its a dist block...with a big thingy on the end. Its been through several installs. Can't hurt anything so I keep using it.
Man I keep coming back to this thread, I guess it will be time for me to give it a shot soon.

What do you think of the ALpine v12 mrv-1505
Back several years ago when I was really into car audio I got a good deal on it and it has sat in its original box since(has moved with me like 6 times :)). Hope it works when I finally get around to using it... also have a soundstream rubicon 404
Just not sure what kind of sub to get. any suggestions? I don't want to add a ton of weight so I was thinking a single 10 or 12 L7 or 10 or 12w7
The 12w7 is a heavy sub. My DLS OA12 only weighs in at 17lbs while the 12w7 is a whopping 45lbs. Thats the reason I chose the OA12...I saved weight on the sub and saved weight by not having to build an enclosure for it. Of course I then proceeded to add weight with sound deadening but I would have done that anyway.

What kind of car do you have?
question about the fleece, is it just fabric fleece you can get at any place that sells fabric or is it something special? I am going to try this on sunday i think
Yes. Walmart for like $5-10/yard. You can pick the pattern with bunnies on it if you want...whatever is on sale.
Walmart has small cans of it in the automotive dept. It is cheaper to buy a large can of it at Home Depot (I found it with the glues and adhesives). Most pros recommend ordering it online or getting it from a boat repair supplier but for my small projects the stuff on the shelves at retail stores has worked fine.

Make sure you measure out the hardener first, then poor in the resin afterward. Walmart has cheap clear plastic mixing cans that have oz measurements on the side. Add the recommended drops of hardener in the cup, then measure out 4-8oz of resin at a time. Grab lots of throw-away brushes too because after you use them once they will turn to stone! Work outdoors in the shade and then movie it to the sun when you want it to cure.
thanks man, I have to get some wood today but should have everything in hand by tomorrow
wish me luck
Man I keep coming back to this thread, I guess it will be time for me to give it a shot soon.

What do you think of the ALpine v12 mrv-1505
Back several years ago when I was really into car audio I got a good deal on it and it has sat in its original box since(has moved with me like 6 times :)). Hope it works when I finally get around to using it... also have a soundstream rubicon 404
Just not sure what kind of sub to get. any suggestions? I don't want to add a ton of weight so I was thinking a single 10 or 12 L7 or 10 or 12w7

Ahh the 1505... I had the 1503 which if I remember correctly, is the same amp but not the expert model. Great amp only problem is it's only stable at 4ohms... If you're interested I have a matching 4channel Alpine V-12 at my parents house that you can use to power the mids/highs in the car...Let me know also if you decide to go another direction let me know if you're selling the 1505 I know someone besides myself that would jump at it because he just blew up his other one...
Chuyler, this is yet again one of the most sick looking professional installs I've seen. I love you how you kept the space and the quality level of work is insane! I'm going to pick up a router and jigsaw this weekend so I can start on my projects for my CX-7 and my GF's 6s. Any suggestions on brands to purchase?
Looks and sounds fantastic! If I had not known, I would have thought those front covers were OEM.
Suggestions on Brands? Everything sounds a little different.

My most prized posessions are my DLS Ultimate amps but if you have any sort of budget you won't be looking at those. I plan to keep them in my car for a long time. Plenty of power and very detailed. They pop up for sale at occasionally if you want to hold out for a deal.

As far as speakers go, I went the DIY home-audio route this time around. They don't "wow" me like the DLS Iridiums in the Protege5 but at 1/6th the cost I am amazed that they sound good at all! In the future I may convert my system back to 3-way with 4ohm drivers (current ones are 8ohm) and install a dedicated midbass driver instead of the CA18RNX which is a midbass/midrange jack of all trades master of none.

The PPI DCX-730 processor is the weakest point in the system but also very crucial. It makes my mediocre drivers sound amazing but it introduces quite a bit of noise and the output voltage is sub-par for what my amps can handle.

The DLS OA12 subwoofer serves it's purpose. It won't satisfy the needs of bass hungry hip-hop listeners but it fills out the low end of my rock CDs and has no problems playing down to 20Hz.
those tweeter pods are awesome. i wish i could do something like that with my p5. i got mine into the stock tweeter location but i can't handle the sound being so off centered. it's just bad. haha. anyway. those things are awesome.
From the rooter to the tooter, how much did you spend on the equipment, if you don't mind the question? The really expensive part is your blood, sweat and tears installing it all, but you seem to genuinely enjoy it...and it is obvious you are a master at this work.
Good question, I've been meaning to tally that all up.

$500 DLS A5 3-channel amplifier
$300 DLS A8 4-channel amplifer (used)
$110 DLS OA12 subwoofer (open box)
$250 for Raammat BXT and Ensolite but half went into my wife's car.
$263 for the PPI DCX-730 (used)
$140 for speakers and tweeters (used)
Total: $1563

Add to that about $200-250 worth of installation materials and I'm still under $2000 for the entire system.