Another remote starter thread

2015 Mazda 3 iTouring
Been on the hunt for a remote starter. Had settled on Fortin for 3 click start and adding drone mobile to that. Local shop quoted $450. I know this is an easy install but I’d rather not deal with it, it’s just not my thing.

Then along came this deal at Best Buy. It includes install and the LTE module. $300 and seems like a good deal.

I’m assuming I’d have to give up the following features:

3 click start
Takeover (have to restart when I get in?)
Does that sounds right and does anyone have experience with this specific module?
It says we could use the OEM remote with 3 click start??

I would be interested if anyone has done this.
Check which specific model of the Compustar unit you are getting. It supports takeover function if it is the FT-D3C-LC per this website.
Thanks for posting that link, I may call them because it's not clear which unit comes with it. I did check with best buy and it includes all required components for install, including T-Harness. This may be a good deal, not only can I have a 2 way remote if I want, I can do 3x click and drone mobile if I want. Seems like it checks all the boxes.

Out of curiosity, I have a sport with remote tailgate open. This compustar system supports it, but it probably isn't an option since it's a sport. Is that a correct assumption?
The website says trunk/hatch release is not supported, so you'd have to use your OEM fob for that.

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