What have you done to your MSP today?

Ok so the battery in my remote for my car died, I got a new battery and it still don't work. Do I have to re-program it or what?
Awww yeah lol

Why has this forum slowed down so much lately???

I've got like 1 day to get my MSP back on the road in regards to my previous post reguarding getting the MSP back on the road. I'm kind of afraid I'll sell it when I fix it...
Mine has been down since October.

So part it, or swap the replacement motor and sell as a whole?

I've decided I can no longer afford this hobby. Two kids, and a wife to support on a single income just ain't cuttin' it. No money for the car, or for racing, so I am going on hiatus until my kids are both in school, and my wife can finally start using her degree to bring in some dough for me to play with.
Well I checked every fuse in my fuse box under my dash to see if I could find a bad one to replace so my remote will start working again but every fuse was fine. So I'm back to not knowing why my remote quit on me. But on the bright side of things I got my Evo8 wheels on
