What have you done to your CX-50 today?

Has anyone done anything to cover/protect the gloss piano black trim in the center console area?
I saw a used CX30 that had a similar material and it was terribly scratched and ugly and was wondering if there was something I could do to keep the CX50 from looking like that too?
Am very much considering some professionally installed patterned cover meant for such purpose. Will visit a detailing place soon I hope.

I searched google and this came up, I'm sure you can find some on amazon or something with a little digging since it's a fairly new model. Not sure I love the example I linked, but wanted to show that there is stuff out there.
Gave her a nice bath this afternoon. The layers of pollen were ridiculous after she sat at the dealer's lot for the last two weeks.
I finally had the time and the perfect day to hyperdip the emblems gloss black. Tam is very happy with the new look. We have something in the works for the Skyactiv G emblem but might take a couple of weeks.

The hockey sticks will be wrapped in vinyl soon.

@RedBaron I Hyperdipped the hockey sticks along with the flying M emblems on the wheel center caps.

Center caps on the PS came out good but not so much on the DS. The Hyperdip peeled off the emblems when I attempted to clean out the centers. So I need to re-do those along with the hockey sticks.

The hockey sticks came out ok but started to peel a bit as I was removing the extra from the window seals. Pretty sure I know what happened. One, I need to prep the window seal area better by really cleaning the grooves. Two, I need to leave more exposed area around the hockey sticks. I didn't have a lot to grab when I started peeling so it would break off quickly and wouldn't allow me to get a good angle so it would 'cut' properly.


Re-dipped the DS wheel center cap emblems and hockey sticks yesterday. The emblems came out good but had issues with the hockey sticks again. I made sure to clean all of the edges good and even gave myself more overspray to have more to pull. But like last time, I had problems when pulling the dip off of the rubber seals. So I pulled it off and going to use vinyl to cover them.

Today, I replaced the SkyactivG emblem with a custom emblem. More details here.

Pulled the stopper for the rear windshield wiper. Now it will stay in the 'up' position when I am washing the car or need to change the wiper blade. Took about a minute to do.

  1. Pull the pivot cover off by squeezing the sides.
  2. Use a 1/8" flat blade screwdriver to pry the stopper out.
  3. Replace pivot cover.

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