Dropped it off last Friday for the annual state inspection along with a pre-paid oil change and tire rotation and I mentioned the squeaky brake pedal (physical pedal squeaks inside the cabin when depressed) when I made the appointment over the phone. They tried to sell me an engine air filter for $29.99 and a cabin filter for $59.99. No thanks, I will buy/install my own.
In the video that the tech sent me, he stated that he could not duplicate the brake squeak while the CX-50 was on the lift or during a road test and then added a snarky 'with the information provided'. I will admit that the squeak can be intermittent and maybe other owners know what I'm referring to? When I stopped in to pay for the inspection and get the keys, the service advisor mentioned the brake squeak again and said 'it could be the semi-metallic pads'. When I reiterated that it was at the pedal assembly, as I did when making the appointment, he just told me that I could make a future appointment and do a ride-along with the tech.
Also, nine months left on the lease and the dealer is asking us if we want to turn it in early.