Rising gas prices


2003 Mazda Protege5
Everyone on here that lives in America definitely knows the problems we are facing with rising gas prices. Prices are getting so bad that people in the border states by Mexico are going over the border to get gas that is $2-$3 cheaper a gallon, depending on where you live. The first problem is American money directly leaving the country to get that gas. The second problem is for the rest of us that can't do that, prices are just gonna keep getting more outrageous. We drive mazdas, we love our cars; track cars and daily drivers alike. Gas prices are limiting some or a lot of our ability to "zoom zoom". Idk what we can do but this is the biggest Mazda forum on the Internet, with the ability to reach out a lot farther than just a few states wide. I'm just curious to see how many other people out there are "feeling my pain" so to speak and are fed up with ridiculous gas prices that the government has no intentions to control. By us doing something; be a boycott, mass petition, etc., I know that we can make a difference and help people, not just Mazda owners, to combat these absurd prices at the pump. Who's with me?

Also repost the link to this thread anywhere you can, the more attention the better!
not that gas here in canada is not on the rise, but we pay more than you. It was at $1.32/ liter this morning and there is ruffly 4 liters in a gallon, so that's $5.32/gallon. in europe, they have been paying more than us for a long time. it gets transfer to the customer. In hawaii, it always cost more because they got to import so much.
Ya I'm paying $90 a week to add 70liters of fuel into my daily winter car, I would love to pay US pricing for fuel. Plus the fact that most everything is based on the price of fuel and grains which they are now using more for fuels, it will get much worst before it ever gets better again.
$58 to fill up my MSP this morning... most i've ever paid.

(let it get super low to determine the gas mileage i was getting)
I'm just curious to see how many other people out there are "feeling my pain" so to speak and are fed up with ridiculous gas prices that the government has no intentions to control.

well i'm just gonna say this -

the US dollar is ******. it WAS the controlling denomination of gas in the middle east... meaning every other country that got oil from Saudi Arabia would convert their $ into US dollars to determine the price.

however, NOW - due to the massive US debt, and all the money we've borrowed from China, things are starting to change. it will no longer be the controlling denomination. thus, a huge spike in gas prices.

expect the craziest prices you've ever seen before. it's happening. i remember seeing some commercial on ESPN or NFL Network where the dude was like "newamerica15.com" or some BS... and he was a highly successful economist, and basically described the scenario that is going to take place in the near future.

....... skip a little bit

here comes KONY 2012.

last year, the US discovered massive oil fields in Uganda. these were likely the most under-used on the entire planet, and there is a surplus there.

now this dumb propaganda video comes out, essentially pushing civilians to support the US to have a presence in Uganda to "get Kony"... even tho the guy hasn't been there for over 5 years!

finding alternatives to the middle east for oil? yes. misleading the masses into thinking we're going for another reason? yes!

... it's what we do best.
I remember seeing that economist video, I watched the whole thing. The US can regulate gas prices to keep us from getting raped at the pump but OPEC wouldn't like that too much. Also, America WAS a post industrial nation until now. Take steel for example. China, Japan, etc... Are all steel producing nations. People are going back to US steel. They are seeing that although the other countries are cheaper, maintenance, repairs are more expensive and the lifespan is shorter. People would rather pay a little bit more for an extra XX amount of years lifespan. But I'm sure the Mazda community can come together and do something to make these prices cheaper. There is definitely enough of us here to make a difference.
As long as they're speculators, gas prices will never be stable...people betting on whether Iran will cut production or will the Saudi's increase production then watch prices rise and fall accordingly.......
Gas prices were this high back in '05 for a while after Katrina. Even up in the Northeast.
Makes me glad that I live 1 mile from work.

Also glad that I sold my 07 Silverado to get my 09 MZ3. (yes)

It doesn't bother me too much, I'm used to paying out the ass because I was daily driving my 03 Wrangler on 40s and 1 ton axles for about a year when I moved to Ohio since I sold my "extra" vehicle before moving. 9-10mpg was the norm. Used to get 12mpg around VA Beach but that was right at sealevel, the ground is dead flat there(tons of small hills and traffic lights in my immediate area here), and I had a longer commute so I was able to actually get into closed loop to save fuel.
Everyone on here that lives in America definitely knows the problems we are facing with rising gas prices. Prices are getting so bad that people in the border states by Mexico are going over the border to get gas that is $2-$3 cheaper a gallon, depending on where you live. The first problem is American money directly leaving the country to get that gas. The second problem is for the rest of us that can't do that, prices are just gonna keep getting more outrageous. We drive mazdas, we love our cars; track cars and daily drivers alike. Gas prices are limiting some or a lot of our ability to "zoom zoom". Idk what we can do but this is the biggest Mazda forum on the Internet, with the ability to reach out a lot farther than just a few states wide. I'm just curious to see how many other people out there are "feeling my pain" so to speak and are fed up with ridiculous gas prices that the government has no intentions to control. By us doing something; be a boycott, mass petition, etc., I know that we can make a difference and help people, not just Mazda owners, to combat these absurd prices at the pump. Who's with me?

Also repost the link to this thread anywhere you can, the more attention the better!

That is overestimated from my research.
There are many ways that we can help rising gas prices. However one of the main ways to help with gas prices many environmentalist and Liberals do not want to do. We need to drill domestically and it just seems like that the current administration will do anything it can to keep this from happening. Also The pipeline from Canada would also increase the domestic supply of gas thus helping solve some of the problems at the pump.

However if you look at the real gas price in the United States gas is actually not that over priced from what it has been in the past. If you look at the real gas price (Which is calculated by taking the Price of gas per gallon/ the CPI) gas is not terribly over priced.

Also we have to ask our self this, If we want alternate types of energy then the Real price of gasoline will have to increase to make alternate forms of energy more attractable to private firms to develop the new technology. Current estimates are that the price of gas needs to be around 5-6 dollars a gallon for this to be feasible.
But how many of us really want alternate forms of energy? I will NEVER drive any type of hybrid or electric car if I can help it. The keystone pipeline would have been an awesome turn of events for the US and create ~20,000 jobs. As for the $2-$3 statement, the news station I watch is usually wrong on a lot of stuff, I apologize I should have done my own research on that. Either way the prices down there are still government regulated.
I'd drive an electric car once they work the bugs out. Talk about acceleration on demand.. WHEEEEEE!
Forget today's hybrid and electric cars. A friend of mine is working on converting his diesel truck to run on hydrogen. Diesel swap your mazda and convert to hydrogen. Think about it.
Yeah, people still are driving across the boarder to fill up.

Also you all should know that refined gasoline is one of our largest exports

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