PCB's Unbuild Thread


I've got a set of four 2 1/2-ton stands and four 6-ton T-stands but they've never "fallen". I've had them for over 20 years.

I would never use them in dirt though.
Gravel is bad enough.

Even my cement blocks sank into the dirt about 2 1/2".

Whenever I put my car up on stands, I lean back on the car and grab the wheel wells and reef on the car with all my weight. Just hard enough to not dent the car.

I give it a good wobble test.

You don't want to give it the wobble test when you're underneath it with a breaker bar.
I got to work trying to cut out the metal that's blocking the gearbox from sliding out.
(Assuming I can even slide it out?)

What a PITA.
There are about 5 layers of metal to cut through and some of it is bent at an angle.

I guess that makes sense to have the engine mount area really reinforced.

This is the engine bay side.

This is the wheel well side.

Maybe I can rub the area down with salt and just let it rot away. Lol
Murphy's Law would have the salt heal the rest of the car's rust except for the spot you rubbed it on.
Murphy's an ass!

Him and his stupid laws. Lol

The next thing to go wrong is that I can't remove the gearbox from the rest of the transmission without removing the entire transmission. Lol

And that gaping hole I'm cutting is full of sharp edges that are going to slice me up.

Oh well, we'll see how it goes.
I went at it with the grinder again.
I was trying to get a deeper cut.

I See Light !!!

I'm going to go at it with the Dremel tool next.

I've got a carbide burr bit to connect the cuts.

Son of a b****!!!

I can't remove the bolt.
It's too long.

And the other one is so tight that I can't budge it with my wrench.

I guess it's time for the grinder and the torch.

What a PITA.
I might put it off for another couple of weeks... Lol

I decided to go with a waving flag in an attempt to disguise the crumbly bits. Lol
Son of a b****!!!

I can't remove the bolt.
It's too long.

And the other one is so tight that I can't budge it with my wrench.

I guess it's time for the grinder and the torch.

What a PITA.
I might put it off for another couple of weeks... Lol

I've been avoiding my transmission because it's kinda turned into a PITA.

My excuse right now is that it's too hot out to work on the car. Lol

That should carry me through to autumn. Lol
I remember Googling "Rockauto discount code" and it's easy to get a 5% code but 10% or more either didn't work or too many hoops to jump through to get it.
When I first started ordering from them 3 or 4 years ago I remember them sending me a 10% off once or twice but that's it.
I popped a code yesterday and read it when I got home.

I've got a downstream O2 sensor that I managed to get off of my parts car with a big wrench.
I don't have an O2 sensor socket, so that was a lucky break.

I tried to get the O2 sensor off my DD with the wrench and it was a no-go and I was starting to round off the hex.

I don't have a deep socket big enough for the sensor, so I cut it back with my grinder so that my regular socket would fit.

It turns out to be a 22 mm socket.

The replacement sensor looks quite a bit different in design.

I managed to install the sensor with my big wrench and an "extender" for more torque.
I put some anti-seize on the threads thinking it might help it seal better (it didn't have a gasket/washer like the old one) and it should help to get it removed if it doesn't work either, and I have to buy a new one.

The connector was being stubborn and I fiddled with it for about 20 minutes then put a tiny screwdriver under the clip to hold it out if the way so that I could use both hands to pull, then I finally got it apart.

I had cleared the code yesterday so now I have to do that drive cycle stuff to see if I get any codes back.

I noticed that my EVAP readiness is incomplete as well as the emissions and I don't know if clearing the code reset everything?
Clever on cutting it to put a socket over it.

Yeah, it doesn't matter if you wreck the old one and a wrench will work fine to snug up the new one.
It will seize itself in there in no time. Lol

Actually, I was lucky that it was the downstream sensor because it doesn't look like I could get a wrench in there for the upstream sensor.
I would have to remove my heat shield and that would end up being a permanent removal. It's just dangling there and rusted all to hell. Lol

I've heard that people have had problems with the O2 sensor socket.
It's got that slit in it for the wires and when you reef like hell on it, it can open up and round off your sensors hex.

The socket can't have really thick walls or it won't have enough clearance for some applications.
I've been lucky and since I don't live in an area to rust out vehicles too much, I've actually gotten my o2 sensors on and off with an open wrench and tapping the wrench with a hammer! It's pure luck I tell you.
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