NEMOC Random BS Thread


Caution traveling 93SB (north of boston). Whatever construction they're doing sent my car completely ******* airborn and landed partially into the next lane. I was traveling with the flow of traffic. I saw caution "bump" sign I slowed for the first one but apparently the did one a mile or so down further and I didn't slow enough. Came down to a huge bang.

I was inspecting when I got home as much as I can in my stupid ass driveway. Contacted my insurance agent just incase something comes up. We'll see.

Only thing I notice (and could have been there before) is a really crunchy clutch throw enough you can hear it over the exhaust.

ah **** me another punch to the dick.
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Caution traveling 93SB (north of boston). Whatever construction they're doing sent my car completely ******* airborn and landed partially into the next lane. I was traveling with the flow of traffic. I saw caution "bump" sign I slowed for the first one but apparently the did one a mile or so down further and I didn't slow enough. Came down to a huge bang.

I was inspecting when I got home as much as I can in my stupid ass driveway. Contacted my insurance agent just incase something comes up. We'll see.

Only thing I notice (and could have been there before) is a really crunch clutch throw enough you can hear it over the exhaust.

ah **** me another punch to the dick.
daymn! I would guess your suspension is probably OK
Anyone have a good body shop they trust in CT? I majorly ****** up this afternoon because I wasn't paying attention. Scratched the **** out of the outside of the rear passenger wheel well on the RX-8 backing into my garage. As I was backing in I was thinking to myself that I really don't need to back it in because I'm leaving right away... Karma. So seriously... good body shops...

Sorry to hear about that. You have a PM with one.

Went kayaking this afternoon... Oh what an awesome time. I'm going to be soooo sore tomorrow... :(
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got home early to go out and de-thatch the lawn, mow and fertilize...the joys of home ownership!! tomorrow put up the railings on my deck, sunday...wash my car and make my list...oh ya, got my BC COILOVERS today!!!
Nice Mark....about the coilovers that is. Yea, time to bring the lawnmower out from the basement. I'll admit it, I actually like doing yard work from time to time.


Josh, it's down to the bare metal in a very small spot... the rest is the bumper. (cryhard) I'm thinking clear nail polish to go over it until I get it fixed so there's no chance of rust?


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Josh, it's down to the bare metal in a very small spot... the rest is the bumper. (cryhard) I'm thinking clear nail polish to go over it until I get it fixed so there's no chance of rust?

man that sucks... Rough weekend start for me too (hand)
Yeah, we had pretty crappy Friday afternoons. After I posted about the car, I almost got hit by a semi and a pick up truck on the highway. Then on the motorcycle ride managed to get a bug in each eye while wearing a helmet!!! I was cursed yesterday!
What is it about washing your car and seeing it after that makes you fall in love with it all over again......
Looks like the bumper took most of the damage, so no chance of rust there. Do you have any OEM touch up paint? That could be used for the rear qtr panel and I could blend it in nicely. As for the bumper, it will need a repaint sorry to say.

Oleg, do you have a small bottle of the WB? We just need a little to touch up.
I don't have any touch up paint... something I should really have. Looks like I'm going to have to wait until Monday for a quote. Apparently auto-body shops are never open on Saturdays???
Tim and Jenn,

Sorry to hear about your bad luck.

Mark, Nice, I assume we are installing them at the SC meet?

Cleared more leaves yesterday, the previous owner had some very nice landscaping done. Looks great once the leaves are gone.

Today, since I am oncall and stuck at the house for the weekend, my wife wants to move bedroom furniture around between 2 rooms. We are switching the master bedrooms.

Also hope to get my birdseye sideview mirrors on today. Get rid of the small circular oval wie angles on each side.

Looking forward to the next 2 weekends.
Looks like the bumper took most of the damage, so no chance of rust there. Do you have any OEM touch up paint? That could be used for the rear qtr panel and I could blend it in nicely. As for the bumper, it will need a repaint sorry to say.

Oleg, do you have a small bottle of the WB? We just need a little to touch up.
Yeah, I got two bottles of WB (I think!).. at least one!