2013~2016: CX-5 Rear Diff and Transfer Case Fluid Change: Tools, Parts and Links


2013 CX-5 Touring AWD A-T
I have coming from Amazon

OEM Tools 22297 23mm Metric Socket (THIS IS A VERY SHALLOW SOCKET)
https://www.amazon.com/dp/ (commissions earned)

OEM Tools 22298 24mm Metric Socket (THIS IS A VERY SHALLOW SOCKET)
https://www.amazon.com/dp/ (commissions earned)

Genuine Mazda Fluid (0000-77-80W9-QT) SAE 80W-90 Rear Differential Oil - 1 Quart
https://www.amazon.com/dp/ (commissions earned)

I have coming from arlingtonmazda.com


Thanks go out for the member that gave the plug head sizes!

EDIT: 07-11-2016


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I have coming from Amazon

OEM Tools 22297 23mm Metric Socket
https://www.amazon.com/dp/ (commissions earned)

OEM Tools 22298 24mm Metric Socket
https://www.amazon.com/dp/ (commissions earned)

Genuine Mazda Fluid (0000-77-80W9-QT) SAE 80W-90 Rear Differential Oil - 1 Quart
https://www.amazon.com/dp/ (commissions earned)

I have coming from arlingtonmazda.com


Thanks go out for the member that gave the plug head sizes!

I'll probably pick up new drain washers next time I change it. Good list of items for those who don't have the needed tools.
Do you need a pump?

How much fluid for each - front and rear should get exchanged?

Are rear diff and xfer case conected (same oil) or each is separate?
I normally use a hand pump like one of these when changing diff or transfer case fluids.


The Wife's turned over 30k and I had a couple days off from work, so, the fluids got a change.

I made extenders from 2x10s and 1/2" by 4" carriage bolts so I could easily get 'er up and level on my 4 Rhino Ramps. The extenders are gotten out of the way by simply lifting them up and out of the ramps.
I got the idea from this YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSH8shmHvgg
The low angle provided by the extenders made it super easy for the CX 5 to crawl to the top.

I got these snapshots off my security camera.



The changes went off without a hitch. Getting the splash shield off was the hardest part. The sockets I bought worked perfect and were shallow enough that I was able to use my 3/8 drive torque wrench in the tightest spot, which ended up being the rear diff. fill plug. For the diff. change, you will be working very close to the exhaust, so, maybe let things cool off for a period before you start.

One last note, the diff. fluid came out pretty darn clean, much more clear than I expected. The transfer fluid was somewhat dark but nothing out of the ordinary. Both drain plugs had just a tiny amount of metal captured.
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Rear Diff and Transfer Case Fluid Change: tools parts and links

I made extenders from 2x10s and 1/2" by 4" carriage bolts so I could easily get 'er up and level on my 4 Rhino Ramps. The extenders are gotten out of the way by simply lifting them up and out of the ramps.
I got the idea from this YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSH8shmHvgg
The low angle provided by the extenders made it super easy for the CX 5 to crawl to the top.
I like this idea too and will do the same when it's my time to do the change. Thanks for the helpful info and links! (cool)
CX5-SO: Was drained fluid less than what you put back in? Was level up to the fill hole before you drained it?
Drained fluid was less and factory level was not up to the fill hole. I filled as I have always done, pumped until I saw fluid draining back out the fill hole and then let it sit until there was not even a drip coming out. I figure there are always air bubbles to come to the top and nicks and crannies to be filled, so by filling until overflow, the fluid should settle down to just about right. The wife took the vehicle on two trips after the change, totalling 685 miles, without issue. I am going to say that filling to the bottom of the fill hole is perfectly fine in these vehicles, but that is just my opinion. Others, please do what makes you feel good, I'm not a Mazda engineer.
Drained fluid was less and factory level was not up to the fill hole. I filled as I have always done, pumped until I saw fluid draining back out the fill hole and then let it sit until there was not even a drip coming out. I figure there are always air bubbles to come to the top and nicks and crannies to be filled, so by filling until overflow, the fluid should settle down to just about right. The wife took the vehicle on two trips after the change, totalling 685 miles, without issue. I am going to say that filling to the bottom of the fill hole is perfectly fine in these vehicles, but that is just my opinion. Others, please do what makes you feel good, I'm not a Mazda engineer.

+1 On filling to the bottom of the fill hole. That is what I intend to do and what I have done on other vehicles and powersports equipment like ATVs.
CX5-SO: Did you note how much fluid you used between front and back? 2 quarts sufficient? I know what FSM says but to bottom of fill line might be more. Thanks!
Im doing mine right now. The front is draining. So far the top plug had no oil on it. The drain plug was covered in sludge. 28000 mi since purchased in sep 2014.
CX5-SO: Did you note how much fluid you used between front and back? 2 quarts sufficient? I know what FSM says but to bottom of fill line might be more. Thanks!
Yep, you will need 2 quarts to have enough to go to the bottom of the fill hole on both and allow some for the overfill runout. I just ran out to the garage and checked the 2 bottles I used. It looks like I used a total of about 36 ounces, so that is not much over the .48 qt for each that is stated, but it's enough to warrant the 2 bottle purchase. Plus, the next change will only require a 1 qt purchase to complete the job.
Yea once you put about .5qt its at the fill hole anyways. My front tranfer case had more s*** on the plug than the rear, which would be expected
Yep, you will need 2 quarts to have enough to go to the bottom of the fill hole on both and allow some for the overfill runout. I just ran out to the garage and checked the 2 bottles I used. It looks like I used a total of about 36 ounces, so that is not much over the .48 qt for each that is stated, but it's enough to warrant the 2 bottle purchase. Plus, the next change will only require a 1 qt purchase to complete the job.

Thanks! I was going to place an Amsoil order today for a bunch of misc oil products and thought I would include it. I'll probably do at 20K miles....even though suggested at 30K if you tow or regularly have car top carrier.

Chris: Curious to hear about rear drain as well.

EDIT: Chris... just saw your latter post...sorry
I had to get intimate with the hose for the rear as i couldnt find all the parts for my vacuum pump to use it to fill.. the mazda oil bottles are made with pipper caps so for the front you can just squeeze the bottle, the rear you can put a hose on it. A hand pump for the rear is way better though. Also you need a 23mm open end wrench for the rear diff because the plug is very close to the subframe.
I had to get intimate with the hose for the rear as i couldnt find all the parts for my vacuum pump to use it to fill.. the mazda oil bottles are made with pipper caps so for the front you can just squeeze the bottle, the rear you can put a hose on it. A hand pump for the rear is way better though. Also you need a 23mm open end wrench for the rear diff because the plug is very close to the subframe.

Do you think too tight to get a torque wrench in there? Of course... fill hole not so important other than not over-torqued IMO.
Yes! You can use a 3/8 ratchet and/or 3/8 torque wrench for that plug and all the others. You will need to buy shallow sockets like I gave links to in the 1st post of this thread.

Also, Kedis, I really like Amsoil products, I use them all the time in our other, out of warranty machines. I decided to stay with Mazda branded and recommended products throughout the warranty period for the CX-5.
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