What have you done to your Miata today?

Didn't realize yours was the hard top. That's a sharp looking car Bruce!
Didn't realize yours was the hard top. That's a sharp looking car Bruce!

Thanks Andrew. Yes the folding Hardtop. (PRHT) I love it.

Did my 3rd AutoX with a Miata Club. Really getting into it. Nice people, got my helmet and learning more each time. Alas that will be my last for this year, needs the weekends for house hunting but will be back next season.

How's the miata running?
Thanks Andrew. Yes the folding Hardtop. (PRHT) I love it.

Did my 3rd AutoX with a Miata Club. Really getting into it. Nice people, got my helmet and learning more each time. Alas that will be my last for this year, needs the weekends for house hunting but will be back next season.

How's the miata running?

Excellent, glad to hear! The miata's doing pretty good so far. Not a lot of suspension changes coming up this year fortunately, but I just today got the last (hopefully) shipment of parts from mazdaspeed so I can start building the new motor for it. I've got the new motor, and a fresher trans and diff that will be going in over the off season.
<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/1kfMXNDKxVwPPqi6Lktttw?authkey=ydlsEI40vl0"><img src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/2002jdmp5/SOpuMeyRMbI/AAAAAAAAAZY/ikA2_eS07Uc/s800/DSC01395.JPG" /></a>
<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/UiYbz_mkBvCpMXMN3xoQvg?authkey=ydlsEI40vl0"><img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/2002jdmp5/SOprvv4va6I/AAAAAAAAAYs/nyxUAN2wW8M/s800/DSC01377.JPG" /></a>
<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/39UcQbJd3R-0f7_FAwd8KA?authkey=ydlsEI40vl0"><img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/2002jdmp5/SOprw9AGIrI/AAAAAAAAAZE/FJO3rQR975E/s800/DSC01385.JPG" /></a>
<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/GNIGPdL8B1c4PfVzsEQDsA?authkey=ydlsEI40vl0"><img src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/2002jdmp5/SOpuMIDKEHI/AAAAAAAAAZQ/NemK7Z9QCcs/s800/DSC01388.JPG" /></a>
<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/vk8g2do9GXcXnpYCQ1ACAw?authkey=ydlsEI40vl0"><img src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/2002jdmp5/SOubgNol7LI/AAAAAAAAAZ0/46G7Jn_p_rA/s800/lights.JPG" /></a>
<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/N8jQirSVLm0N4_rNnN6XLw?authkey=ydlsEI40vl0"><img src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/2002jdmp5/SOubgS6sL0I/AAAAAAAAAZ8/vVoEEUA0WIY/s800/interior.JPG" /></a>
<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/m7kV6qnx9lfKtSxvxrNT_A?authkey=ydlsEI40vl0"><img src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/2002jdmp5/SOubhbRWb-I/AAAAAAAAAaU/5_KkgpnoHNg/s800/seat.JPG" /></a>
<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/n2Xi9FPOk4LORJJIC526jw?authkey=ydlsEI40vl0"><img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/2002jdmp5/SOudHgKYWnI/AAAAAAAAAag/KNjuNJBwFrU/s800/transformers.JPG" /></a>
<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/KYDotf_vZlalzAfAlloADw?authkey=ydlsEI40vl0"><img src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/2002jdmp5/SOudIJBR6OI/AAAAAAAAAaw/w1lrAJFr-Lg/s800/zoom.JPG" /></a>
<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/xwIszKX71JYRutcpMlCDuw?authkey=ydlsEI40vl0"><img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/2002jdmp5/SOpp52UeziI/AAAAAAAAAYI/MA6cQBIi7Ic/s800/DSC01365.JPG" /></a>
<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/HPNBUH2poB6Z_asnB628wQ?authkey=ydlsEI40vl0"><img src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/2002jdmp5/SOudIbpWpQI/AAAAAAAAAa4/SAw0jebETr8/s800/DOMO.JPG" /></a>
It has been a while since I've seen pics of the infamous Turboyata...She's looking really good, Phil!

Nice detail shots as well...(2thumbs)
Took my specmiata out for its first open track weekend at SMMR in Pahrump, NV...

This car is the most fun car to drive... period.

On the trailer before leaving for the track:

Turns 1&2:


Being chased by an F-production miata:

Flat out on the straight about to enter the braking zone for the hairpin turn 3 (the corner's nickname is "ego check")... I made the mistake of glancing at the speedometer once at about this part of the straight... saw the needle was noticeably past "100"... and then almost botched my braking for the corner... I have vowed to never, ever, ever, ever look at the speedometer on track ever again.

By far the most fun I've ever had... and I'm hoping to take the car to a "superschool" in the spring to get my SCCA club racing license.
Awesome pics!

I had to order some HIDs today out of necessity! I cannot see jack s**t at night with my current lights (& when the wife asks why she can't see the road? etc....you know its time to upgrade). I think the current cheapy bulbs just suck really bad or something...
Here's some pics to tide you over(excuse the dirty car...it's rainy season here):
<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/LR6KFhp0Gwkh485q7KS4GA"><img src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/_BxFtmy0I1Y8/SSSkjhzqdxI/AAAAAAAABv0/QSKlsxkW4J0/s800/DSC02313.JPG" /></a>
<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/hPA_f46R092VM6Mwa1bUrg"><img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_BxFtmy0I1Y8/SSSkuXieN6I/AAAAAAAABwM/c3NHTq72bdA/s800/DSC02316.JPG" /></a>
<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/elH8KQO6XMj8jB-nORTBYQ"><img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_BxFtmy0I1Y8/SSSkKeyYQqI/AAAAAAAABu8/Tm_fsNqsAkk/s800/DSC02306.JPG" /></a>
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Took off the Mazdaspeed front bumper and put the old nose back on. Raised the suspension and installed the winter tires. Will replace the rear bumper tomorrow once I thaw out.
Winter's great!! Time for Skiing!!

Heh heh...I meant getting my cars ready for it.

I have never experienced winter driving much less prepping my car for war with winter....I will need advice for the P5 and the Miata.
Ahh I see. part of my winter and spring prep for the P5 was greasing the caliper sliders. They seize easily.

Finished the rear bumper. Also cleaned the RB intake filter while the front was off. Adjusted the 4 coilovers so the height was the same.

Alignment this week.
I have officially read all 46 pages since this thread was started lol. I feel like I know most of you guys already lol. Like Andrew, Phil, Kevin, Bruce, Fadi etc. I realize this may sound a little creepy or whatever, but just know that I didn't read to stalk you gents. I'm just trying to learn a few things, and boy did I. As of next weekend I'll be a proud Miata owner and I just wanted to see what I was in for. The particular car I'm going to buy has been sitting for at least a year and only been started a few times since it was parked. What I'd like to know is what you gentlemen would inspect and what minor tweaks you would make, before putting it on the road. Its a 91 that has been garaged its whole life. 180,xxx Miles and has been well maintained. 1 owner, whom I know very well. Any and all input will be greatly appreciated. Ill be gone this weekend for the holidays so I'll check back with you all on monday. Have a safe and happy holiday everyone. Thanks again for your input.
Hahaha wow, that's not creepy at all (boom07)


Welcome to the club (almost), they're fantastic cars. If it's been sitting for a while like that, there are a few maintenance things I'd do before really romping on it. I'd want to change the oil, transmission and diff fluid for starters. It could probably do with a brake fluid flush as well as new plugs and plug wires. Go easy on it the first few miles to let it warm up properly, and see what you find from there. Hopefully the tires aren't more oblong than round at this point. If it's as nice as you say, many of these things may have been taken care of already, but you're looking at a cost of <$100 for all of that if you do the work yourself.

Most info you'll need for these maintenance items will be here:

Oh, check to see when the timing belt and water pump were last replaced. Again if you're handy with a wrench you're looking at $200 or so for parts to do this.

You'll want to see if the 91 is an early or late model 91, as the early ones still had the short nose crank that was plagued with failures (mostly stemming from improperly done timing belt replacements). If it hasn't broken yet and the last timing belt change was at 100k when it was supposed to have been, it's probably fine, but def. take a look for anything outlined here:

Generally you'll want to look out for a wobbly crank pulley. Honestly, if it's in good shape it's not a deal breaker (wouldn't be for me at least). If it was clear that it's had issues, however, it would be.

If you've got the long nose crank (a maintenance item for the short nose engines), there's a much higher chance of there not being any issue with it.

Hope that helps!

EDIT: If you read this whole thread, chances are you've got all that information already anyway (rofl)
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It really does help. See I knew I'd creep you out. lol But yes that seems like a good place to start. I figured as much as well. Never changed diff fluid before. 1st time for everything I suppose lol. Ill make sure I do it right. Also, I'll check into whether its an early or later model. Ill be sure to post my findings on monday. Thanks again for your help
Yup, no problem. Diff fluid is easy. Jack the front up (ramps work great) to drain the fluid (lower bolt on the rear of the diff...), put the drain bolt back in, get the car level and fill through the top bolt hole until it dribbles out. Put the bolt in and you're done.