where to connect your boost gauge?


MazdaSpeed Protege_
when i bought my car there was a boost gauge connected but it dont look like its connected right. can some one give me a pointer on where the boost gauge should be connect to..
i tee'd into the vac feed from the solenoid that feeds the fpr.

edit here...

same place i have mine. seems to be the most logical location although others have used a few different choices and might disagree.
is that the line running off the intake mani? i think youre supposed to tap it there, but ive never done it... that should change this week.
everyone is tired of seeing useless threads, but think about where you started off.

In all reality the most ideal place is from a Vac block installed in the brake booster line.
I'm not sure of your set-up but you might want the gauge, the BPV/BOV and WGA to all see the same pressures from the same source. Plus if you, (like me) add a split second or some sort of EMS you can also get the readings for that on from the same line instead of all these zip tied connectors that can crack and leak.
lol, i dont know why people b**** about threads. if u dont have any intel then shut up.
i thought it was good for a laugh. im not really out to burn anyone, but everyone starts somewhere with these cars when theyre new. sometimes i wonder how many people would have disappeared if they didnt get helpful answers and just got flamed. i was lucky enough to get JDM Sam to post in one of my first threads... he knew his s*** inside and out and could have been a real prick, but instead he was never above answering a simple question to help out a member.
Why i "b****" so much is because half the threads on here are useless reposted questions that clutter up the forum. If people literally took 2 mins searching they wouldn't have to post, or if usefully information actually got sticky'd for once they wouldn't have to search.
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Well here's the thing about that. From what I understand the mods should probably clean up those threads and relocated the useful info into other more pertanent threads....But instead we get PMs about our sig height, ect. I have noticed some mods in some of the sub forums cleaning them up though, and that is greatly appreciated.
Well here's the thing about that. From what I understand the mods should probably clean up those threads and relocated the useful info into other more pertanent threads....But instead we get PMs about our sig height, ect. I have noticed some mods in some of the sub forums cleaning them up though, and that is greatly appreciated.

I feel like i have one specific mod on my back all the time. Also, I don't believe this is a useless thread. For some odd reason, i find this thread more helpful than the other boost gauge threads.
I don't mean to start a flame war. But imo this forum has alot of potential and alot of useful info its just buried under alot of crap. If we had a "All your answers in one big post"(Like brains on MT.net) and we posted it in the welcome area we could probably avoid multiple threads about the same thing.
i agree, so why dont you get started on that. im going to do an EMS, FMIC, and wiring threads eventually, but the fact is these things take a long ass time. so yeah write up a thread on all the vacuum/boost questions, put in pictures or a lot of links, then have a mod sticky it.
Because im not a msp expert im sure their is someone else on here more qualified to do that. I just use the search button when i want to know something.