What have you done to your Miata today?

arrived today. :D


Will probably get around to starting the install on the weekend or next week.
Same one I have. I like it, but I wish it was just a hair taller.
Yeah it is pretty short. For me though it isn't really a problem since I am short and so my head doesn't go over the head rest. I agree though that It would still feel better to have a little bit more room height.
second option is my favorite. doo eet phen.

I actually already have sparco seats as one of my future plans. But it comes after a heap of other stuff.
Speaking of the roll bar. I was thinking of painting the roll bar to get a color that matches(or is close) my body color (emerald Green).
Do you guys have any suggestions as to a type of paint that would work good for this.
btw I will most likely be using a paint gun to paint it.
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Paid for my Reverant enhanced MS. Now, the wait begins...
Yeah it is pretty short. For me though it isn't really a problem since I am short and so my head doesn't go over the head rest. I agree though that It would still feel better to have a little bit more room height.

How tall are you?
Phen same question for you

I drive with my seat all the way back so i was wondering how my head would clear the bar.
Looks a bit tight with the surfboard seats
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I am around 5'5.
If i remember correctly the hardcore is taller also. So if you are worried about that and are willing to spend more it may be the way to go.

edit: correction. the top of my head sticks out a little bit from the head rest. not by much though.
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I've got a similar roll bar. At 5'9" I'm fine, but my friends who are 6'+ will hit the roll bar with a helmet on.
Pull the seat so its straighter instead of leaning back is one thing you can do. or like mx-p5 said, get a different lower sitting seat.
Ughh my seat is in like the most comfortable position ever! (Haven't changed it since day one)
And I love my seats too much to swap them and I love them to much to chop them up
fair enough. Then i don't know bro. I guess it will come down to the choice of roll bar. take the risk with the sport or go hardcore and not worry about it.
Sebring is this weekend, you'll see most every type of roll bar out there i'd bet

And you see my head sticking above the bossfrog. Not sure how that'll go when i go for a track day

oh, and just bought my 4th set of Blazer foglights since the brainstorm lights leave a little to be desired
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Yeah but I chose Daytona Autox>Sebring haha.
Ill wait till the next big fl meet or just say screw it and pick one.
that was my choice! Daytona or Sebring

Seat time at auto-x or a pace lap?

I will do a track day at Sebring later with at least one guy from here at work