Congrats to your new car.
Here is a link to the extended Mazda service warranty.
Mazda Extended Confidence Warranty | Extended Coverage
Thanks for the link. Just wanted to point out that the link goes to a dealer called Werner Mazda in NH that is selling them at those prices. It is the Mazda extended but this is not offered from Mazda direct,as in purchasing directly on mazdas website. I'm not sure if those are the best prices or not but you may want to see if your local dealer has a better price or will match this dealer price. I'm sure they will. Also, I was under the impression that you can purchase the "new" car extended contract if your vehicle is less than 3/36k miles and the used contract for over that amount, however when I plugged in my own vehicle VIN which is a 2020 CX-9 GT with only 16k miles, it only gave me the used vehicle contract prices and not new. Im not sure what the price differences are from new to used contracts but I do know after reading the sample contract that for used, it starts at the purchase date and mileage you currently have and runs through the additional time and mileage of the contract on top of what you currently have on the odometer, mileage wise and for the additional time period. It does not start when your factory warranty runs out so it may over lap any existing warranty you have left.
Hope that helps everyone