Radar Detectors

ZoomZoomH said:
and to think i'm tempted to get one even though radar detectors are illegal in teh Great Communistwealth (peep)

will have to buy and have it shipped to a MD address and then pick it up later lol

Not worth it, maybe if you can stealth mount it. A buddy of mine was pulled over in his porsche and the cop spotted it in the back seat took it and wrote him a ticket. He was just passing through.
NoRotor said:
i disagree with all these fools

bel express 795

about $100 and has saved my ass numerous times. the only false warning i get are in store parking lots where i dont speed anyway

i drive 50-60 miles a day on the highway(10 miles at a time) and i go 10-15 over all the time and still have a clean record

Fools huh? do your homework.
Andrewsmc said:
With radar detectors you get what you pay for. Honestly dont get one unless you get a good one... Just my .02 because one GOOD radar detector will be the price of 1 ticket after its all said and done. heres mine. Just picked it up about a week ago. Escort Passport 8500 X50 Blue .. Its the s***.

I also have a Escort 50 and this radar detector has worked wonders for me. I never leave home without. I live in Va where it is illegal to have one but I still drive around with it. You just have to conceal it and becareful when driving. I drive mostly at night so its difficult to see it anyways. Many times I'm able to spot cops miles away with this thing. I just wish I had this thing before I accumlated many tickets in the past. My driving record would have been spottless. LoL
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B1 said:
GHAMSpend $50 for that radio shack brand if you like, but its seriously a waste of money IMHO. Like someone else said, its the cost of a speeding ticket (one in my case BEFORE the detector was $520 so its actually cheaper to buy the radar detector) so just spend the money right. You will be soo much happier that you did.

Speeding ticket + your increased insurance afterwards.
i had the new escort for about a week, it worked great! but i returned it after driving down 55 when a big light flashed on my car while i was going well over 100, i have since that, have not been speeding.
i think i'll take ur advice and spend the extra $$$ on an 8500. looks like shortshifter and header are gonna have to wait even longer (sad2)
I started out with a $50 cobra, Now i have a $110 cobra, both work the same. Always kept my ass out of trouble, Only time i got pulled over with it, is when it was unplugged for Cell phone charger..

Just gotta know how to read it, And also follow The basic No s*** rules That No.rotor.no.motor Posted!
best is to buy new... but go to craigslist and find one localy, Go check it out. X50 from someone should be more than 230ish... GL
Andrewsmc said:
Fools huh? do your homework.

do what homework? you mean listen to the marketing? next thing you will say is i should buy bose speakers or monster cable because a higher price tag always makes things better:(

as i stated i drive 50-60 highway miles a day and my $60 radar(what i paid for it) has saved me numerous times and i still have a clean record

why pay $300 for something when my $60 model works just fine for me?

i dont have time to quote everyone, but the model i have is the Beltronics Express 795 which I bought from radio shack for $60 about a year ago

yes maybe your fancy $300 radar can pick up a signal sooner, but who gives a s*** when mine picks it up in plenty of time for me to slow down
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Cellerator said:
to give you an idea of how big the range is on the v1, I was doing 120 on an open stretch of highway(really open stretch with little traffic at the time), v1 chirped ka and started getting stronger, immediately, braked down to 70 and the cop showed up 2-3 seconds later and didn't realize a thing.

I was doing 50 on a regular road when my old Whistler started chirping. It got more and more frequent as I went on. The frequency of the beeps increased until finally, THREE minutes later, I crossed paths with a cop, at which point they stopped. By "crossed paths" I mean that he was driving towards me, and I was driving towards him. It was hard to beleive, but it totally blew my mind.

And that's with my cheap radar. So honestly, a 2-3 second head start at 120mph with the V1 doesn't really impress me.

Side note: I've seen some nicer radars that auto-attenuate after it beeps frantically for a few seconds. I'd really like this feature. Which radars have this?
Kooldino said:
I was doing 50 on a regular road when my old Whistler started chirping. It got more and more frequent as I went on. The frequency of the beeps increased until finally, THREE minutes later, I crossed paths with a cop, at which point they stopped. By "crossed paths" I mean that he was driving towards me, and I was driving towards him. It was hard to beleive, but it totally blew my mind.

And that's with my cheap radar. So honestly, a 2-3 second head start at 120mph with the V1 doesn't really impress me.

Side note: I've seen some nicer radars that auto-attenuate after it beeps frantically for a few seconds. I'd really like this feature. Which radars have this?
not a 2-3 second head start, 2-3 seconds after I had slowed down...

yeah, also ran into the instant on situation, and ran into multiple bogeys, any other radar detector would have just chirped and they would have thought it to be that same pig they passed a few seconds ago... (those you may pick up but if you're the one being radared, no radar detector will save you)

Anyways, not going to argue, I'm just stating through my experiences w/ a cheap detector and what a difference my v1 has made...
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Kansei said:
^^ I know my Beltronics Vector 985 has it. They call it "Autoscan"

Could you explain what that does? I have heard the term before, but im still unsure what it is.
meinp5 said:
Could you explain what that does? I have heard the term before, but im still unsure what it is.

It lessens the sensitivity on I believe all radar bands when you are in a city so that it doesn't false alarm.

I don't use it, I just use "City X".. outside of NJ I have never seen X band used as police radar (NJ got on the radar bandwagon late and bought a crapton of X band equipment right before K became the norm).

If the beeping of the radar detector bothers you there's also an "Auto quiet" or similar named feature on the beltronics detectors that changes the sound to just a quiet tick (like a geiger tick) after it does the first couple beeps and does the voice announcement of the radar band.
Kansei said:
It lessens the sensitivity on I believe all radar bands when you are in a city so that it doesn't false alarm.

I don't use it, I just use "City X".. outside of NJ I have never seen X band used as police radar (NJ got on the radar bandwagon late and bought a crapton of X band equipment right before K became the norm).

If the beeping of the radar detector bothers you there's also an "Auto quiet" or similar named feature on the beltronics detectors that changes the sound to just a quiet tick (like a geiger tick) after it does the first couple beeps and does the voice announcement of the radar band.

I gotcha. Thanks! I know that the Passport 8500 will beep loud for the first couple beeps and then almost mute until it stops. I really like that feature. My cobra had the annoying voice alert and that really got annoying driving through the city.
im sure its already been brought up, so ill just testify to its greatness. valentine one has saved me and my dads ass plenty of times. he has it hardwired into his sti and it has been great. soon well pick up another one brand new and ill get his old one for my car. now well have triple protection on drives to autox along w/my brothers bell(peep) (seems to work great also but sounds like friggin r2d2 when it turns on)

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