Q: Army Rations

Mmmm the enchilada MRE's are the s***, i think its number 11 or 13 i'm not sure though... 13 might me country captian chicken or soemthing i'm not sure. but anyways the enchilada ones are the s***! hahaha heat it up and put EVERYTHING in it, the crackers, jalepeno cheese, and the mexican rice mix it all up and then eat. oh man.... hmmmmm maybe it was so good cuz i was stuck in Iraq... but either way it was damn good and i'm getting hungry now.
the country captain chicken sucks big hairy ass. i think its the goulosh (spelling) they have thats good but you have to put the cheese in the goulosh and mix it. thats when it is the s***. i cant remember if the spag. comes with cheese i may have traded something for some cheese but if you get spag. try to get the cheese somehow and mix that in it and damn that s*** is good as hell also. thanks everyone now i am hungry. :):):):)
OK...here's a live shot. Anyone else get the clear bagged MRE's from a few years ago?
the best MRE is definately Beef Stew or Beef Patty...or maybe that new roast beef sandwich they got lying around...

but seriously, the MREs suck. so no matter how old they are, they still suck. try eating Meatloaf with gravy for breakfast :( i at 3 MRE's per day during the war until we somewhat ran out of food, then i ate 1/2 per day.

best thing, i can normally not s*** for 4 days after eating soley MREs...but once you open the tubes, youll have to s*** like 3 times per day.