Ping, ping, ping...

On my home last night, the freeway was awful. So, I decide I would take the back canyon roads home. There aren't too many people on these roads. I'm climbing a very steep hill in second gear, and that's when it started. PING. PING. PING.
Yep. It sound's like engine pinging. Real bad, too.
Now, I always thought these cars ran no different on the 87 octane then on the 91 octane. I run in between; 89 octane.
I called the service manager, and he said there are no valve adjustments on the car. Is this true? I've never heard this before. Also, do you think there is a problem, or is it possible I just got a bad tank of fuel? It was very hot as well. About 100.
Not really sure what to do. :rolleyes:
I'm thinking of running the 91 octane, but I have seen threads on this before, stating it really does'nt make a difference.

What do you think?

Thanks in advance.

I use Mobil gas and I notice that when I use 87, I would get some pinging noise. I then started to use 89, but once in a while I'll use 92. Don't remember right if Mobil has 91 or 92, but I use the next one up.:D
Does it only do this going uphill? This happens to me (with no mods) both when I up shift with RPMs below 3000 and when I'm going up a really steep hill in second, like you. I'd be interested in know what others think too.

Maybe there IS something in the gas lately? I don't remember hearing this when I got the car in March, seems to have started in early-mid May. There's a such thing as "summer gas" right? Less polluting or something?
1FASTMP5 said:
ok, pat does the pinping get worse if you are @ wot????

wot is great. no ping. no nothing. As a matter of fact, it was about 3000 rpm when this was happening. As the rpm's climb, the ping seems to fade.
Put some gas dryer in it "Heet" . I had this problem in Alaska when my fuel lines were building condensation. You just got a little water in your tank. You should be able to get your valves adjusted it says to in the owners manual at a certain mileage, I think well I guess I will look again.
melicha8 said:
Add some octane booster so you can get through this tank of gas

i second that! its prob water in your gas, i know of some gas station's that got busted for watering down there gas to save money. thats prob it, damn those fuckn assholes!!!!
1FASTMP5 said:

i second that! its prob water in your gas, i know of some gas station's that got busted for watering down there gas to save money. thats prob it, damn those fuckn assholes!!!!

Now you guys are scaring me! Water in the tank? is this going to do any damage? Or should I just burn this tank?
I use the cheapest 87 I can find in my P5 and never have any knock or ping. I would get that same thing every once in a while on my old tacoma at low RPM under stress like a steep hill. I personally wouldn't worry too much about it unless it shows up under all driving conditions.
I used to work for Texaco. Most cars will ping a little after consecutive tanks of 87 octane gas. Put in 91/93 or 89 every other tank and you'll never hear another ping. Take it easy!
TopSecP5 said:
I used to work for Texaco. Most cars will ping a little after consecutive tanks of 87 octane gas. Put in 91/93 or 89 every other tank and you'll never hear another ping. Take it easy!

Thank's TopSecp5!

Also welcome to the board!

Won't hurt the car just burn the tank and don't get gas at that station again. Heet is a gas drying product that will take the water out of your tank also you can use a octane booster. Just when you buy octane booster read the label and ensure it has no alcohol in it. Both can be purchased at a auto parts store or gas station.
I've noticed that after using 89, my ride hesitates when I first accelerate loses some of it's higher end power. If gas is too much ($2.25 here) where you live, about every 3rd tank or so, get some 92 from Chevron (with that techron crap in it), and a bottle of octane booster. If that still doesn't help much, try running a bottle of fuel system cleaner through on your next full tank. Just some things you SHOULD do anyway, but it will get rid of 90% of pinging.
I have never put anything but 87 octane in both of our p5's since day one...and never had it ping...That is the gas that is recommended for our motors...

we could get into a big debate about if higer octane does anything...but we will try to avoid that. Plain and simple higher octane gasolines are made for higher compression burns slower.

Your car is pinging because for the load you have it under...the RPM would LIKE to be don't shift into second on that grade untill your RPM would be higher than 3000 after you shift.

if your car didn't do this before.....and you have traveled these roads before and it didn't do it till now....I would say its the tank of gas you have through it....and fill up again with gas of the same type you normally you normally ALWAYS get gas at the same station? if so...get it from somewhere else this next time...its possible that the station got a bad batch.....or even their tanks were getting low so it was pulling the trash off the bottom....even though the pumps have filters...they don't get everything.....

Make it a practice that if you see the station you normally get gas from has the tanker in there filling their tanks...wait a day or two before you get gas there....filling the tanks stirrs up all the garbage in there....give it time to settle.

There ya go...MY .02
