octane levels


MS3 07
anyone know if its safe to run on gas lower than 91 octane , has anyone tried using 89 or 87 oct.. and what are the consequences of using lower than 91?
Please do a simple search, this topic has been covered time and time again. In fact, there is a topic on gasoline octane ratings a few posts down.
To answer the question: yes it can be done occasionally (it has been tried), but nobody has tried consistently using it to see any possible negative long-term effects.
The question is why would you want to run low octane? This is a performance car, and thus calls for premium to produce better performance.
would be bad for the car plus u will probably get worse mileage because of the drop in performace. i woudnt chance using low octane on a turbo car
Yeah dude,
I run 89 when time is tough. No choice. Hell I even ran a half tank of Ethanol ($1.25) just to see how it would act. Well it did fine, but I didn't put any more in it cause some one told me that it can **** up the seals and gaskets.

I don't under stand why though, you think a old moon shiner even worried about there rubber gaskets?

No kick backs, but a little lose in power. But that's what it is. If you can keep your foot out of it, the mileage is about the same + & - "I have a hard time keeping my foot out of it".
Octane is a measure of how well the fuel *resists* ignition. If the fuel ignites at the wrong time, then that creates "knock", which is harmful and bad. But your car has a knock sensor and the computer can compensate for that.

There is 87, 89, and 93 available in my area. I run 89 fairly often. I actually seem to get more miles per tank on 89 than 93. If you really wanted to play it safe, fill up half with 89 and half with 93. Too much trouble for me though.

Worst case you'll get less performance as the computer compensates for knock.
Yeah dude,
I run 89 when time is tough. No choice. Hell I even ran a half tank of Ethanol ($1.25) just to see how it would act. Well it did fine, but I didn't put any more in it cause some one told me that it can **** up the seals and gaskets.

I don't under stand why though, you think a old moon shiner even worried about there rubber gaskets?

No kick backs, but a little lose in power. But that's what it is. If you can keep your foot out of it, the mileage is about the same + & - "I have a hard time keeping my foot out of it".

The ethanol is alcohol, which quickly dries up anything made from petroleum products, aka rubber gaskets. Most (if not all) new cars, ESP performance cars, have a knock sensor on the ignition circuit which de-tune your engine to help avoid the well known and very hard-on-engine knock of the fuel igniting too early. The down side of this is lack of power from the detuning, causing poorer mileage and lack of ZOOM ZOOM. With gas prices the way they are now, definitally put good 'ol 91 in it. Otherwise, if your budget really is that tight, drive it a little nicer, put 89 in it if you have to, and realize that you bought a sports car, not a UGO. 87 is fine also, but try to avoid ethanol for long periods of time due to its drying effects.