Navteq SDcard EUROPE - '16 CX-5


US Specs in Europe
'17 CX-5 GT AWD; '18 BMW X3
I have been banging my head against the wall trying to acquire the EUROPE map data SD card for my CX-5. (bang)

I've tried the Mazda SD Card App at the website, and I have also tried the page with ZERO luck.

The German dealership must think I'm a stooge. NO WAY am I paying 600 for a SDcard! (pissed)

Does anyone have the part # for '16 Mazda Navteq SD Card? I will try and see if my Original selling dealership can order it for me.

Please PM me if you have any other ideas.
i found nothing on ebay, only US cards

best bet is your dealer - yeah it will be pricey
Nothing!? -_-

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I would get the correct German /EU part number for the navteq card from your dealer.

Then search the internet, Amazon, Alibaba, Ebay, etc using the part number.
So my US dealer has the PNs but he indicated that he can only get NA ones!

...part number is not accessible in our system. They recommend contacting a German dealer or calling NAVteq directly.


ANY help out there? puleeeeeeeeeeeeze!

The nav isnt worth buying IMO.

Poor as it was the TT was much better.
I got it! Found a eBay sale and rolled the dice. My credit card offers additional protections to supplement PayPal. So I rolled the dice on eBay.

Worked like a charm.

Thanks for all the input folks. I was not going to go through the German dealer. They wanted a silly price, ~400€ for a damn SD card. I didn't even pay a quarter of that. [emoji867]

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Update: the navigation voice is only in Polish.

Anyone have any ideas for changing it to English? Ive already tried it through the infotainment standard menu with I luck.

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Just glad I'm not using my phone anymore. I turned the Navi volume down, the media sound still attenuates when directions are being given, so I know a turn is coming up.

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