Lucid dreams / dream control


04 MSM #1089
Anyone ever experience a lucid dream (you become aware that you are dreaming) or the next "step", dream control (after becoming lucid, you are able to take charge of the "world" created in your brain, and gaining some sort of control over it)?

I haven't had one in a long time until this afternoon. I fell asleep reading a book, and began to dream. I was on a familiar road near my home, but instead of being two lanes in each direction, was now three lanes. This was the "lucid trigger" -- it was because of this that I was able to recognize that I was dreaming.

I attempted to control it by making my car fly up into the air. This took several attempts....the first couple of times I was only able to make the car raise up about 50-100 feet before it went crashing down to the road again. I was eventually able to (I assume) "trick" my brain into realizing that anything could happen here, and I was airborne!

I flew around for a while, and unfortunately woke up not too much longer.

Just wondering if anyone else has ever experienced anything like this.
Yeah, had one last night! they're so much fun. I got my first one after smoking a narcotic substance and I get them once in a while now.
Yup. Most times I try to hard to control the dream and wake myself up.
However as a youngster I also suffered from sleep terrors and incredible bouts of sleep walking. I was once stopped when I was about 11 years of age carrying a chair out into the street at about 2: AM, completely asleep.

The sleep terror were the worst as they were a state of half awake half asleep nightmare that I had to be talked out of.

I had them less frequently as a young adult. However I have had several injuries such as cut arms from putting my arm through the window and bad lacerations on my back from falling in the rose garden.
I've done this a few times, but it usually means I'm on the verge of waking up, so they don't last long.

Funny this would come up today, though. As I was trying to catch a nap this evening, I started to dream while still kind of awake, I tried to do something cool with the dream, but couldn't quite get ahold of it.
Lucid waking(out of body experience) is much more fun but very difficult.

Oh yea also taking drugs while in a lucid dream is fun cause they are all free and you get the same effects. I took acid in a dream I had a week ago and had quite the trip.
yep, get them all the time. I'm an amazing dreamer, I can pretty much think of something I want to dream about and I will have a dream along the lines of what I planned on and then it goes from there. I dont dream when I'm under the influence of a smoked product...I just pass out. But i did have an out of body experience while coming down from a 10 hour high. That was amazing.
.....All you damn pot heads ::shakes head::

Every now and then i realize im dreaming.....on one occasion, (cant really remember the whole dream) i realized i was dreaming but was running away from something. I quickly tried waking myself up in the dream by telling myself to "wake the f*ck up", but couldnt. After a few attempts of talking to myself in my dream so i could get up, i finally woke up. It was actually a little scary for me.....wouldnt mind having one again though since ive been there before.
running dreams suck, cuz your always running from something that seems fast as s*** and your trying soooo hard but you just cant run.
winty87 said:
running dreams suck, cuz your always running from something that seems fast as s*** and your trying soooo hard but you just cant run.


...feels like your running waist deep in water. I get alot of the running dreams more than anything else....makes me wonder sometimes.
I just woke up from a really great 2 hour lucid dream. It was very surreal and dealt with going back to school and work.

The coolest part was when i became aware of what I was going through: I was on my cell phone and got a call from my buddy to go surfing, but when I exited the call my phone's interface had changed. The menus were way different and nothing like they really are. I then remembered this thread and was like OHH s*** and tried hard not to wake up. As I was walking back to class I started acting like an ass doing polka dances and running around in the snow in my underwear and hitting on random women who responded quite kindly (did I mention surreal?). I also found boxes and boxes of avocados and dates which were quite delicious, especially since the avocados revealed they contained dates if you tore them in half.
CitizenPro said:
.....All you damn pot heads ::shakes head::
(piss) (stfu) (flame2)

I have dreams like that a few times a week. I also partake a few times a week too

The best part is when you are dreaming that you are about to bone your girl and wake up because you rolled over and crawled on top of her and started getting to it in your sleep. I crossed the boundary of dreams and reality.(butthump) (rockon)
I just picked up an Xbox 360 this past Sunday and I've been playing Dead Rising. Anyway last night I had a dream where I was out in the country with my brother and we were looking for survivors. We found a group of people hold up in a school (think mobile unit) and they let us stay with them for a bit. Anyhow the only fresh water was from a nearby stream. My brother goes to get water and brings back a bucket full of frogs... to eat (desperate times?). He stores them away and later on I look outside and there are like 50 frogs coming towards the front door of the building we're in. They eventually start jumping and smashing themselves into the door like they're trying to get in. (This is where I become aware that I'm dreaming btw) So anyway I look again a few min later and there are like hundreds of these frogs bumping into the door and the ones in the bucket (inside) start making all sorts of noise. Then the frogs outside start mutating and molding together into a giant zombie frog monster. I shout for someone to bring me a weapon or help me kill it, but everyone is gone. I find a shotgun and just as I'm about to blast the hell out of it I wake up... it was strange, I've been thinking about it all day.
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wooh. Creepy. (sleep) (sleep) (coffee)

When I watch a zombie movie I usually dream about zombies or when I play Resident Evil. I hate zombie dreams although I always win and I usually have to break their necks.
i have these a lot. ill be running, and cant get away, or like in some random situation - for example the other night i had a dream our house was being broken into by a group of organized undesirables, and was shooting, but the bullets were like .22's and werent doing any damage, then i dreamed up a .45 and was good :)