It's that time again ..


91 MX-5, 13 ILX
First 'significant' snowfall of the year here in central PA! It's not much, really -- maybe two inches so far -- but it's still snowing. Thank God I decided to winterize my car over Thanksgiving while I was home in Philly, which is where I store my stock hood/grill and winter wheels/tires .. and didn't wait till Christmas!

The quality isn't the greatest since I shot from inside my apartment (it's cold!) -- and my MSP should be more snow-covered than it is in these pics, but I was out this morning .. so now I have a nice snow/ice/icicle combination. :D



Link to more pics! -->
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I still have yet to see snow for the first time... haha.
BRRR! I'm happy to be back in Texas. Pretty nice weather around here.

I tried the winter thing for a couple years in Spokane WA, it was fun sometimes but I missed the weird Texas weather of occasional cold days, warm days, dark days, sunny days. I grew up that way so I like the variety. In Spokane it was sunny all summer (nice) but the winter was dark and cold the entire time! GAH. Beats you down after a while.
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yeah we are getting the same snowfall here Cindy...

too bad Im NOT winterized whatsoever. And Im in the city where the first half of the snow melted and NOW its below freezing. So theres a layer of ice covered by snow on all the side streets...

just wen to move my car off the side street (I work in the city, live in suburbs) and I wasnt even taching 2k under like 1/8th throttle and Im spinning. Instant wheelspin!!

so summer performance tires nearing the end of their life + snow = not an awesome combination.

ugh - anyone know where I can pick up a set of steelies and snow tires cheap?
I decided to try for some slightly fancier shots .. haw-haw.

Bing -- try Tire Rack. My steelies and snow tires together, already mounted and balanced, with shipping included, came to just under $500.

Driving home from work tonight at 10:30pm was cute. Especially considering I have to drive on back roads through farming country that probably won't see a snow plow unless there's a foot of snow on the road. Arrgh.
I decided to try for some slightly fancier shots .. haw-haw.

Bing -- try Tire Rack. My steelies and snow tires together, already mounted and balanced, with shipping included, came to just under $500.

Driving home from work tonight at 10:30pm was cute. Especially considering I have to drive on back roads through farming country that probably won't see a snow plow unless there's a foot of snow on the road. Arrgh.

+1 on Tire Rack. I got a 15" setup from there, steelies and Pirelli P210 SnowSports for a bit less than $500...low to mid $400's IIRC.

Cindy, you finally steelied her up for the winter! I know how much you love them snowies. Lol, I just put mine on Saturday, glad I did.
I don't understand why people would live in such cold places. Any was try and stay warm I guess

I've lived in Arizona for 4 years and didn't like NOT having the seasons change significantly. Here in Colorado, each season is very different and I look forward to each. It's snowed a few times here already, but nothing that's put down a good snow pack on the streets.

That's awesome that you change out your hood, grille and wheels all for winter. Me, I just throw on my 15" Konig wheels (I hate black steelies) with my winter tires.
There was more but I didn't even think of taking a pic till Rush started this thread so by the time I got home to take it, most of the snow had melted.
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all of u guys would laugh ur asses off at us down here. When it hits 55 degrees we all look like we're ready for a blizzard. I love seeing seasons change but I feel REALLY bad for all of u that have to wake up and go to work early in 30 degree weather
I love seeing seasons change but I feel REALLY bad for all of u that have to wake up and go to work early in 30 degree weather

That is my least favorite part about living up North. I don't mind the cold or the snow any other time but I have to talk myself out of bed every morning during the winter. On the other hand, you would have to drive a lot further than I do to go snowboarding. (yes)
yea we got a good amount down here, wish i took a pic before most of it melted.
.. Aaaand it's snowing again. WTF, this shouldn't be starting till at LEAST January.

It's supposed to be turning into ice at some point this evening, too. That'll make driving home real cute. Barf.

.. But I kinda don't have much choice other than to change out the hood and grill AND wheels. They put down gravel along with salt, so there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that I'd have some chips taken out of my CF hood and grill if I left 'em on. You should see my stock hood -- it's got good-sized chips in more than a few places. And my lower grill has some chunks taken out of it in spots. Winters are just a b****.

My car is drowning in salty muck as I type .. but I can't even wash it now because it's effin' snowing again!
I feel REALLY bad for all of u that have to wake up and go to work early in 30 degree weather

30 degrees is a heat wave for me at this time of year. it was down to 9 degrees two days ago with 8 inches of snow. yay lake effect.
.. Aaaand it's snowing again. WTF, this shouldn't be starting till at LEAST January.

It's supposed to be turning into ice at some point this evening, too. That'll make driving home real cute. Barf.

.. But I kinda don't have much choice other than to change out the hood and grill AND wheels. They put down gravel along with salt, so there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that I'd have some chips taken out of my CF hood and grill if I left 'em on. You should see my stock hood -- it's got good-sized chips in more than a few places. And my lower grill has some chunks taken out of it in spots. Winters are just a b****.

My car is drowning in salty muck as I type .. but I can't even wash it now because it's effin' snowing again!

I feel your pain!!! It is snowing here in NJ where I work now as well. Weather report this morning called for warmer temps turning the snow into rain.

Monday should be real fun....forecast is ice Sunday night into Monday morning. What a GREAT commute that will be!!! Can always hope the weatherperson is wrong! LOL ;)
i just got my baby out of the snow banc... goes to show you homw winter were are here.. ther car had been "sleeping" in the back yard for 3 weeks without starting..and needed a charge of course... now it's in the garage where it belongs for the winter.. couldn't do it earlier since i had 2 snowmobiles that needed work in the garage..

so when i got the car in at noon, started the oil furnace (diesel power heheh) ands let it heat up the place to 70 F so it would melt off the car completely.. and gve it a good 2 amp slow charge for the 8 hours.

the car was used in the last winters by the previous owners and by me (from december 27 2006 to march) but barely.. i planned to use it all year but changed jobs and got a truck for work so now it's more of "treat" so i dont use it at all in winter.. i was gonna go buy some winter beater thats AWD but i wouldnt have time to use it..

i think a msp is a summer car.. not a very good winter one ..even with it's spiked winter tires it was horrible in the snow..

as you can see in the pics.. here.. it's WINTARRRRR ;)

look at my winter proofed oil drenched baby and all tha ice and snow on it.. (boom02)

