It's that time again ..

30 degrees is a heat wave for me at this time of year. it was down to 9 degrees two days ago with 8 inches of snow. yay lake effect.

lol....even WORSE!! It was 68 degrees when i went to work today...and tomorrow the shuttle is supposed to launch which i can actually hear from my house...i want one of those engines on my MSP!! (yes)
I envy the west coast and down south. Snow is such a hassle and don't get me started on the freezing weather. :(
30 degrees is a heat wave for me at this time of year. it was down to 9 degrees two days ago with 8 inches of snow. yay lake effect.

Doesnt your brother drive his MSM year round..... That dude is hardcore.

The last time we were at your house and we were doing that video he was going to let the top down. It was like 38 degrees.
Doesnt your brother drive his MSM year round..... That dude is hardcore.

The last time we were at your house and we were doing that video he was going to let the top down. It was like 38 degrees.

That isn't hardcore. 38 degrees isn't that cold to have the top down.

Hardcore is driving 2.5 hours from Melbourne to Jacksonville in January where it's 29 degrees, entirely with the top down and windows down. Hardcore is sleeping in the car in 25 degrees the night before a track day with frost covering the car, just so you can get up early enough to be the first one on the course.

On second thought, maybe that isn't hardcore, it's just senility.
anytime a person is driveong a near 200rwhp car that weights a hair over 2k through the city of Chicago in 6 inches of snow, they are hardcore. And that 38 degrees was a recent example that I witnessed they told me he would do it in much colder weather.
i drove my old car during Hurricane Charley in 100 mph winds...does that count for anything? Oh...and I threw a football to myself during that storm too.