Gas Tank Sloshing revisited


Mazda, Protege5
Is this happening to your beloved Protege5? Please reply and let me know how annoying it is without the music playing and if you've notified the dealer about it. Is your model 02/03? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


'03 and notice nothing yet even when racing the car which I sometimes do on a 1/4-1/2 tank of gas.

How bad is the sound? My old Saturn would do it all the time and was extremely loud to where you could hear it over quiet music.
It happens and I dont think theres anything they can do about it. Its only noticable when coming to a complete stop with the engine idling for me.
It happens all the time especially when backing out of the driveway or creeping forward then stopping. Happens no matter how much gas is in the tank. Makes me wonder if there are baffles or sound proofing.
