Fuel Efficiency History not loading


2013 Mazda CX5 Touring FWD (before)
2024 Mazda CX5 Turbo Premium (now)
I have always been conscious about fuel efficiency, and sadly my current 2024 Turbo Premium is the least fuel efficient vehicle I've had in a while. (It's a turbo, I know. lol).
I've been monitoring the fuel efficiency but what I find weird is that the Average History is not loading:

I tried googling and it seems that I am supposed to be resetting the trip A and/or trip B every time I drive?
Does anyone have insight please.

Thank you.
I don't recall having to reset my trip each time but when my wife gets home from work I will look. I routinely reset trip A when filling up and B when changing oil and I think my 23 turbo registers the history after every drive but been a while since I looked at it.
The following is copied from 2021-connected-vehicle-owners-manual_v2
So yes, you do need to reset the fuel economy for this to work. I usually do it when I refuel.
I alternate between the A and the B but it may only look at the A as that's the one tied to the little blue pointer on the radial fuel economy display.

Fuel efficiency history Displays the information regarding the fuel efficiency.
1. Displays the fuel efficiency for the past 60 minutes.
Displays the fuel efficiency every minute for the past 1 to 10 minutes.
Displays the fuel efficiency every 10 minutes for the past 10 to 60 minutes.
2. Displays the average fuel efficiency over the past 5 resets and after the current reset.
3. Calculates the average fuel efficiency at regular intervals after vehicle travel starts, and displays it.

Displays the fuel efficiency monitor settings screen.The following settings can be changed in the settings screen.
Fuel efficiency history reset
Setting to reset or not reset the linked average fuel efficiency indicated in the instrumentcluster and the fuel efficiency history (current) on the center display when tripmeter(TRIP A) is reset.
did you check in the menu?
see that icon on the far left
I did - It only prompted me to reset the average history, which I did, which then cleared Trip A, but still nothing displayed in the trips 1-5 as average history.
Thank you for checking - this is exactly what I have been looking for. I've reset Trip A after each drive and also went to options and reset the average there (which was the same thing as resetting Trip A actually), but I still get no average history... :(
I did - It only prompted me to reset the average history, which I did, which then cleared Trip A, but still nothing displayed in the trips 1-5 as average history.

Thank you for checking - this is exactly what I have been looking for. I've reset Trip A after each drive and also went to options and reset the average there (which was the same thing as resetting Trip A actually), but I still get no average history... :(
btw no need to reset the trip meter. I will take a look at mine. I recall there was option to select to show A or B there but it could be on the previous generation.

I can speculate then there may be something with the infotainment software version.
The 2024 has different version sets than 2022-2023.
There was new update for 2024 models around March 2024 (if your car is built before that).
May be see with the dealer if there is new update for it.
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