CX-70 Carb Filing

The CX-70 has been filed with California and while there are not many details, we can confirm that it will have the same Powertrain options as the CX-90 with AWD as a 2025 model.

While it is no surprise at least we're moving closer to an early-'24 release date. Performance numbers and handling should be excellent with the smaller/lighter body and the same powertrains as the 90.
While this is more information, its still like a tease so Mazda, come on, we are week from 2024. And I have a 2017 that I need to move on from...and much would like a CX-70 hybrid. If 30mpg on highway or more, and 300hp (or more) and under $50K, take my money. But that CX-90 is too big and not ideal.
The CX-70 has been filed with California and while there are not many details, we can confirm that it will have the same Powertrain options as the CX-90 with AWD as a 2025 model.

Basically confirms what was already announced by Mazda and reported previously. We all knew the CX-70 would share the drivetrains of the CX-90.

What is missing is will the CX-70 be the U.S. version of the CX-60, a midsize 2 row or will it be a 2-row CX-90 as numerous rumor sites have reported. The correct choice is not always the one Mazda makes in the U.S. market.

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