CX-5 Turbo vs Non-Turbo

Gee I didn't think the thread title was implying one is better than the other.

NA is by far the winner on lowest cost of ownership.

Turbo is the winner on performance and more fun to drive.

Folks break both NA and turbos. It is possible the turbos attract more drivers who run their cars harder. It's like comparing a Dodge Hell Cat Callenger to a Dodge V6 Challenger. Most Hell Cat owners bought them for the performance and do just that. Some don't even get very far from the dealership before the wreck them. 🤣

I'm into maintaining my vehicles. DIY oil chages is half of the oil change shops. DIY plug changes is even a bigger savings. In my case maintenance cost is a wash.

I knew going in the turbo deprciates more than NA. We keep out cars about 15 years. I'll get the difference in enjoyment out of the turbo.

The turbo has larger front brakes. It should stop quicker and the brakes last longer if both are driven the same. The trans is has upgraded clutches, same deal, it will last longer.

The turbo air filter element is larger than the NA. It has better filtration, will last longer and protect the engine better.

The turbo replaced our slug of a car, 09 Accord. I didnt want a different car. I had tuned this car and it was fun to drive. But if we were up grading, then we upgraded to a turbo I could tune. I have no regrets.

Since the OP didn't define what is better, then I say both are better for different reasons.

My plan, be happy and enjoy! 😁
Familiar conclusion -
I took my NA CX-5 up Pike's Peak. It was fine. I don't remember it feeling lacking.
Thats likely because you know how to drive and understand where the power is and isn't -

Ive watched many videos of usually inexperienced drivers - who have acquired supercars with 500+ HP and a majority of the accidents occur with no other vehicles involved --just a driver who drops the pedal to the floor at some random speed and they loose control - cars are totaled and often going under 50 mph - They loose the rear end - over compensate , keep their foot in the throttle and - there goes another Lambo or McClaren

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