

2007 Mazdaspeed 3
so i just bought the compustar alarm/turbo timer/keyless ignition/etc. system off ebay. has anyone installed this kit on their car or know how to? im trying to save some money by doing this myself. so any pointers, tips, instructions, etc. would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance.
Ask...RyanJayG...he installed his yesterday I went to go see it...its nice.
Since your car is a manual you need to diode the neutral saftey (pink wire) to the brakes. That way your car will not start when in gear. PM pirana. He is the man when it comes to compustar.
i would recomend gettin it done professionaly
just that there is alot of wireing and alot of add on extras like hood pin trunk pin extra sensors
alright.. well if they see this thread, RyanJayG and pirana: I pmed you. anyone else that has any pointers or anything, pm or post here. thanks guys.
I bought one as well. But the more I looked at installing it myself, the more weary I got. So I sold it. Never lost a dime though.
Listen to Moeed. Pirana installed my Compustar alarm system with me watching. 9 hours later, he/we were done!
Yea Pirana did mine too, it took him about 9 hours, and he was doing his 6 compustar install. He does a very clean job and knows every single wire in our car.
There's an actual transmission output that shows if your car is in gear. It's actually pointed to in the alarm wiring thread. I first didn't have it, and now I've hooked it up. I HIGHLY recommend connecting it. Even with your e-brake on, you car will, indeed jump a couplefew feet if you leave it in gear.
well if you do it the way that pirana hooks it up (diode neutral safety and brakes) it is very reliable.

Its kinda like the automatic mode, you have it in gear, it wont start PERIOD. no jumping to worry about or anything.

Ddogg, just PM pirana and ask him about the wiring.