BSM Off Flashing (2009 CX-9 GT)

Just want to share my experience replacing the BSM sensors on a 2009 CX-9 GT with 140K miles. The BSM started acting up 2~3 years ago. At the beginning, the light flashed in summer when ambient temperature was above 90F, but back to normal when it cooled and virtually no issue in the winter. Since then, then BSM gradually deteriorated over time. Second year, 75'ish and this year, it started flashing even the ambient was over 65F. When it didn't flash, the BSM didn't detect 90% of the time. After reading this thread and some other sites, I decided to replace both sensors myself. Bought a pair of version B used but visually in great shape on-line. The replacement turned out to be much easier than I anticipated. There is no need to remove the rear bumper. Here is what I did:

1. Remove the rear light assembly by loosening the two screws. This would exposed one clip underneath, remove it.
2. remove the two screws (7mm) of the wheel splash fender (I don't know its technical name). No need to remove the clip further far inside.
3. remove the clip of the black trim over the wheel. This would allow the trim to come loose.
4. Underneath the vehicle, remove the screw (7mm) that joints the splash fender with the bump cover. Then you can separate the two. Let the splash fender loosely hang there over the clip in step 2. After separation, it will expose another clip for the bumper cover. Remove it.
5. Pull the bumper cover toward you to disengage the hidden clips behind. You may need to yank a bit and apply some force. Don't be afraid, it will come loose.

At this point, you will have large enough gap to access the sensor bolts. The rest steps (removing bolts and disconnecting cable) are straightforward.

Tips for removing the bolt: they can be rusty. Use a wire brush to clean off the rusts, apply some oil or WD40. Keeping the rust /dust off and surface lubricated would help to prevent it from snapping, which was the mistake I made while loosening the first rusty bolt with too much torque.

It took me more than one hour to do the first side. After figuring out the tricks, it only took 30 minutes to do the other side.

No calibration is needed for the new sensors. The BSM now is working as new.


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Just want to share my experience replacing the BSM sensors on a 2009 CX-9 GT with 140K miles. The BSM started acting up 2~3 years ago. At the beginning, the light flashed in summer when ambient temperature was above 90F, but back to normal when it cooled and virtually no issue in the winter. Since then, then BSM gradually deteriorated over time. Second year, 75'ish and this year, it started flashing even the ambient was over 65F. When it didn't flash, the BSM didn't detect 90% of the time. After reading this thread and some other sites, I decided to replace both sensors myself. Bought a pair of version B used but visually in great shape on-line. The replacement turned out to be much easier than I anticipated. There is no need to remove the rear bumper. Here is what I did:

1. Remove the rear light assembly by loosening the two screws. This would exposed one clip underneath, remove it.
2. remove the two screws (7mm) of the wheel splash fender (I don't know its technical name). No need to remove the clip further far inside.
3. remove the clip of the black trim over the wheel. This would allow the trim to come loose.
4. Underneath the vehicle, remove the screw (7mm) that joints the splash fender with the bump cover. Then you can separate the two. Let the splash fender loosely hang there over the clip in step 2. After separation, it will expose another clip for the bumper cover. Remove it.
5. Pull the bumper cover toward you to disengage the hidden clips behind. You may need to yank a bit and apply some force. Don't be afraid, it will come loose.

At this point, you will have large enough gap to access the sensor bolts. The rest steps (removing bolts and disconnecting cable) are straightforward.

Tips for removing the bolt: they can be rusty. Use a wire brush to clean off the rusts, apply some oil or WD40. Keeping the rust /dust off and surface lubricated would help to prevent it from snapping, which was the mistake I made while loosening the first rusty bolt with too much torque.

It took me more than one hour to do the first side. After figuring out the tricks, it only took 30 minutes to do the other side.

No calibration is needed for the new sensors. The BSM now is working as new.
Reviving an old thread, cuz mine just started blinking yesterday.

When you said "bought a pair of version B", did you buy the pair removed from the same car, sold together as a pair? Or, did you make a LH and a RH side one from different vehicles work together? I'm just curious if they have to actually come from the same car to make them work, or if they will work independently of each other.

Although, I am still contemplating if I actually want to replace them, or just remove the bulb on the instrument cluster, since I still prefer old school BSM of shoulder checking anyway.

My BSM light started flashing on my 2014 CX9, took it to the dealer and they told me apparently the rear BSM sensor is not working. there is some slight mark my bumper was it, maybe when i was parked somewhere...
The dealer wants $2.5k for it, saying they may need to replace both sensors.
I'd rather find used sensor and give it a try myself, any recommendation of decent video/guides on taking of cx9 2014 rear bumper?