A Problem Already!


2010 Mazda 3 Grand Touring, 2010 Mazda 3 i Touring
My new 2010 3 i Touring has less than a thousand miles on it and I'm having an issue already. The car has a rhythmic pull from one side of the road to the other. It's not real noticeable until you get on the interstate, but it is almost impossible to keep the car in it's lane. I have taken it back to the dealership and they say there is nothing wrong with it, but they are not driving it long enough to know. They have done an alignment and balanced/rotated the tires and it didn't help. They have it now and are supposed to be checking it out by driving it longer, but I'm very skeptical that they will acknowledge that there is a problem. My wife also has a brand new 2010 3, but her's is a Grand Touring so they say that it is not a good comparison. Her's is perfect and stays in it's lane with no effort. Mine, unfortunately, is almost impossible. Anyone else had a similar issue?
it floats on the highway? thats pretty abstract, most new corollas do it because of soft suspension components, hey use this as an excuse for coilovers, also check if you have the same tires as your wife, it may have A LOT to do with stiff sidewalls, maybe try taking out a bit of air to about 30psi, and if it performs better get new tires!
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I have a 2010 3 i-touring and it drives right on center and never pulls; I have almost 5,000 miles now. Maybe you have a bad shock/strut? I had the same problem in my Volvo, two of the shocks were leaking on the one side of the car and replacing them solved the issue, but then again I had +60,000 miles on them when they began to leak. Good Luck and hopefully your dealer can figure it out.
I appreciate the input. I just returned from a trip to the Outer Banks, NC (1100 miles round trip) and it was a nightmare. The car pulls from one side to the other so bad you can't even enjoy the sites without almost wrecking every few seconds. I stayed so annoyed at the car I couldn't enjoy myself. My wife and I had to take turns driving so that we each could enjoy the sites. She couldn't even nap on the way back for getting sea sick. I'm learning real quick to hate this car and the dealership here claims there's nothing wrong with it.
I appreciate the input. I just returned from a trip to the Outer Banks, NC (1100 miles round trip) and it was a nightmare. The car pulls from one side to the other so bad you can't even enjoy the sites without almost wrecking every few seconds. I stayed so annoyed at the car I couldn't enjoy myself. My wife and I had to take turns driving so that we each could enjoy the sites. She couldn't even nap on the way back for getting sea sick. I'm learning real quick to hate this car and the dealership here claims there's nothing wrong with it.

You sir need to find a new dealership. Are they positive the wheel balance is fine? Maybe take it a tire/wheel alignment place?
Take someone from the dealer for a ride in the car. There is no way your car should not be able to go down the freeway. You should not have to be steering back and forth to keep it straight. If that dealer wont help you then take it to another dealer.