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- 2021 CX-9 Sig
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- 2021 CX-5 GT
It sounds like what's happening is as the oil gets older it is getting thinner(either the oil is breaking down or their is gas in the oil so a Blackstone UOA might be needed) and working past the seals after the 4k/5k mark.
If i was OP, would change oil (or have a local mechanic do it so you have a record, get Blackstone test on the used oil, take pictures of your dipstick after car sat overnight, make sure dipstick is at the line an don't overfilled....if so, drain some out and then take picture of dipstick with date/time stamp, drive CX9 for 5000 miles and check oil level, if down take to dealer and get them to fix it.
I have never had to add oil to a new engine/ new car between oil changes until the car was really old( 12 to 14 years) and started to burn some oil.
For them to say, yeah well test it after 2000 miles is crazy. Especially when oil changes are every 5000 to 7500 miles.
Unless you have a leak in the oil pan or a completely f'd up engine, no engine is gonna burn that much oil in 2000 miles.
They clearly are treating you like some young niave person. They usually treat most people like idiots because most of the population is not mechanically knowledgeable.
I think you are 100% right. I also think that longer, more sustained driving burns the oil much faster.