2009 New England Auto Show + Import Show!

Chris (chuyler1)
Bruce (Reitrof)
Ryan (protege2003) and Gavin (my little man) and My friend Mike
Josh (alty)
Chris (subspeed6)
Oleg (Astral)
Carlson( Crlsnlopes)

my buddy Mike is going to come with Gavin and me.

We will be taking the bus from south boston!

Gavin is really looking forward to this!

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Gavin is really looking forward to this!
I can remember vividly the first time I went to a car show. My Dad used to take me to the World of Wheels every year...

Free entry into the show. This is a true fact!

Walk into the Boston Convention Center through the normal entrance. However, instead of going through into the car show area, walk a bit off to the side and find the escalator. Go up, and walk OVER the show. You'll walk across the entire show floor, from above. (on a little enclosed glass bridge)

Once you've crossed to the other side, look to your right, and walk down the escalator.
Free entry into the show. This is a true fact!

Walk into the Boston Convention Center through the normal entrance. However, instead of going through into the car show area, walk a bit off to the side and find the escalator. Go up, and walk OVER the show. You'll walk across the entire show floor, from above. (on a little enclosed glass bridge)

Once you've crossed to the other side, look to your right, and walk down the escalator.
I haven't bought a ticket yet so we could try. My dad likes to just flash his badge at the cop on duty...It usually works for the two of us but I doubt it would work for an entire group :)
Yup, my sisters had them, so I had to have one. I think I still have him in the attic.

you are holding a DOLL........where are your cars or trucks??????????

we are taking the 10:00 bus from south boston. should get there around 10:15'ish and will give you or oleg a call

I'm not going to make it. I just walked in the door from being on call. Sorry all. :(
Had fun today guys. I hope you got a good look at the new Taurus!

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