Why dont we make some shirts?

yea, i ordered the one with the mp3 outline and mazdamp3.com written in it, i like that logo more than the badge crap.
derrick1623 said:
paul, did they change the design for everything, or just for you? because if they changed antoine original design, i dont think that's right.

I hope they didnt change it for me. I just dont like how it didnt really look much like the mp3 badge. I think the newer ones are alot simplier. Eithere way i am just happy we finally got some t shirts! And i will definitly get license plate frame, i wanted a small sticker but the frame is better, this way no stickers on my car.:D
the next question is....

how about the P5 guys? or the LX, DX, ES drivers? or the 6's? are there going to be OTHER products, as in stuff for the rest of us and not just the MP3 guys/gals?

no offence guys....but me being a P5 driver....I don't see myself wearing an MP3 shirt.....or hat.....or boxers.....or drinking from a MP3 coffee cup.
nuke,nuke, nuke....check the annoucement at the top of the p5 forum...it has p5 gear too!!!, and yes, i'm sure that we'll have 6 gear, first and/or 2nd gen gear, and much more stuff!
derrick1623 said:
nuke,nuke, nuke....check the annoucement at the top of the p5 forum...it has p5 gear too!!!, and yes, i'm sure that we'll have 6 gear, first and/or 2nd gen gear, and much more stuff!

YEAH YEAH YEAH......I just came back here to edit my last post...and I see I have already been discovered as being OUT OF IT....lol DUH!!!!

but why not YELLOW stuff!!! lol

I think I am going to have to get a clock for work...and maybe one for my shop....and of course a shirt or two......then get some iron on lettering or make some ironons of my own to put my clup name on them as well.

paulmp3 said:
Antoine, i checked out that link, but i received an email last week linking me to different product. i didnt like the ones i got sent so i emailed him telling him to create different logo's. I really like the new ones. i will be getting some t's and the license plate frame, to help spread the word. good job!!!(drinks)

here is the link they emailed me!!

Why aren't they offering us MP3'ers a clock or boxers? i want the clock!!:mad:

(bowdown) (bluemp3)

Thanks paulmp3 :D

Woooo...wait a minute here. First of all...I have NO IDEA who put up that other shop or who created the badge for just mazdamp3.com. Who is that and whats the deal here? I would like to clear this up.

If you want the "Official" gear...follow the links from my announcement or in my sig below. ;)

I think I am going to have to get a clock for work...and maybe one for my shop....and of course a shirt or two......then get some iron on lettering or make some ironons of my own to put my clup name on them as well.

Now you're talking! :D

Just a reminder to everyone...keep checking back...new items and designs are on there way! Big thanks goes out to those who are now representing the forums with OFFICIAL site gear...maybe I need a special stamp of authenticity. :p
I think it would be cool if we could come up with some sort of logo for the site. I imagine something dealing with the lines of the front of the car. The round fog lights, a little outline of the bumper, outline of the headlights..... anyone know what I mean?
no colors associated really, just that badass front look our cars have. This would make the logo universal for mp3s p5s and msps
I am envisionsing the lines that outline the significant features of our cars, I think with just these - and some graphic design and effects added in -, it would look almost tribal

and on the back of the shirt it could say all 3 domains
etc etc....

as far as the logo or design on the front, I think a cool design would look better than trying ot work with real photos/airbrushing/cartoon
Good ideas...thanks for sharing...I was actually thinking about something similar earlier today...not sure about tribal...but I catch your drift...anyone have a good dead on frontal (level) pic of an mp3, msp or p5? E-mail me if you do thanks!

But one unique feature about this site that has existed (and will continue to) since day 1 is that we had the actual model name as our domain...and that evolved into 1 site and 3 domains...a feature that can make us difficult to classify as a whole but it allows owners of each model to have a domain specifically for them.

If I get a good front and level pic for creating the lineswill see what I can come up with;)

that work antoine?
Antoine said:

Woooo...wait a minute here. First of all...I have NO IDEA who put up that other shop or who created the badge for just mazdamp3.com. Who is that and whats the deal here? I would like to clear this up.

That is wierd... i wonder who made it? here is the name that came on my email. "JimiTrader" if that helps clear things up.

Derrick, i think we should use the front of a mp3 or msp, that way there is no roof rack.
paulmp3 said:
Antoine, i checked out that link, but i received an email last week linking me to different product. i didnt like the ones i got sent so i emailed him telling him to create different logo's.

so, it WAS you that had them change up the design?!?!

also, we can photochop out the roof rack,eh.
I just suggested different logos, no hard feelings. I like the new ones much better. I just ordered 2 t's a license frame and a clock. i hope they make that grey colored shirt for the mp3's.

Photochop works for me!
paul, its just that antoine came up with that design, and it was meant to be the "official gear" of this site, then you switched it up, and got whatever you wanted.

we still appreciate that you are representing this site, however, i wish that you coulda just went with one design..oh well.
if we're doing the outline of the front, it might look too much like the dsmtuners logo. ill find a pic of it later.
Antoine said:

Woooo...wait a minute here. First of all...I have NO IDEA who put up that other shop or who created the badge for just mazdamp3.com. Who is that and whats the deal here? I would like to clear this up.

Derrick, it sounds to me that antoine didnt create that other image if you read the "quote"

well whoever made it i didnt mean to abandon the design, just maybe make some different ones. But like he said he didnt know who made up that design. If that is the design you like im sure you could still order them, but i definitly prefer the newer ones.
did anyone not see what I put

I have two people that have the custom embroidery machines and will do them in a Heartbeat .. i just need us to agree to one or Two designs .. and yes they would be embroidered ... not that bad screen print crap.... so the normal price is about $1;00 per thousand stitch and I got my seats embroidered for $29.00 an emblem so they were 29,000 stitches per seat ... so let me know and I get one made up as a Demo I guess .. and as far as the shirt ..they could be in any color.!!!!!!

Also she is making me a shirt now that has big embroidered Mazda Logo on the front and a big picture of my car on the back and underneath it it will say Mp5.com or the full www.protefe5.com and which either one I go with she will have it done just like it is on the back of the car with the Accented # 5
Derrick: Thanks!...I noticed its not dead center but the level is nice. I need it to be as close to dead center and level as possible so everything appears symmetrical.

I'm not going to make an exact recreation of it...but use the outline as a base to design from. I checked out the DSM logo...interesting but don't worry...I'm not one to knock of other designs.

About the design that appears like a MP3 badge...I have nothing to do with that.

MP5Raycer: I don't appreciate your negative comments. It's cool if you want to let us know about this "embroidery" connection you have but don't put our setup down.

Also, using Mazda's logo and font in association with this site is not a good idea...especially when you sell these items. Plus...we have our own identity...identities. Neither of those domains you mentioned would point to this site. If you want to offer alternative ideas in representing the site...be more respectful about it, thanks.

I would like to see a nice polo shirt with embroidery...for those special occasions.
i got all my stuff today. everything looks good. But i see they have grey shirts now:mad: , i will have to grab one of those eventually.