Why dont we make some shirts?

sorry if you dont like it man but screen print is bad .. i mean you wash it twice and its starts cracking adn falling apart and then fadding so why waste the money ...but hey if thats what floats your boat then all the power to ya .... and as far as associating Mazda logo with this site is wrong to you .. um well i dont know if you drive a ford or some s*** but i drive a maada and this is a mazda site .. so much so it was maned Protege5.com as in MAZDA PROTEGE .... so there is nothing wrong with that at alll there is not copyright infringement being broken and i would not even be the one selling them or collecting any money what so ever . i think I am well with in my rights

and as far as "If you want to offer alternative ideas in representing the site...be more respectful about it, thanks."
dont ever say that s*** to me again ... I know what i am doing and I'm not a ****** moron so NO Thank You!
RAYCER, you REALLY need to check yourself.

Antoine has devoted his time, and MONEY to get this site where it is, that is ****** up of you to get so high-and-mighty.

opinions are welcomed, assholes are not.

btw, i'm sure he knows the domain name, since HIS name is who registered it.
MP5Raycer said:
sorry if you dont like it man but screen print is bad .. i mean you wash it twice and its starts cracking adn falling apart and then fadding so why waste the money ...but hey if thats what floats your boat then all the power to ya .... and as far as associating Mazda logo with this site is wrong to you .. um well i dont know if you drive a ford or some s*** but i drive a maada and this is a mazda site .. so much so it was maned Protege5.com as in MAZDA PROTEGE .... so there is nothing wrong with that at alll there is not copyright infringement being broken and i would not even be the one selling them or collecting any money what so ever . i think I am well with in my rights

and as far as "If you want to offer alternative ideas in representing the site...be more respectful about it, thanks."
dont ever say that s*** to me again ... I know what i am doing and I'm not a ****** moron so NO Thank You!

I guess someone didn't quite notice in Antoine's signature where it says Co-Owner / Admin (mazdamp3.com, protege5.com and msprotege.com)

come on dude have some dignity
you guys can check out my designs i put up for my local car club just the other day. oh yeah, make sure you zoom in on the lunch box logo b/c the far away picture makes it appear blurry.
let me know what you guys think

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derrick1623 said:
RAYCER, you REALLY need to check yourself.

Antoine has devoted his time, and MONEY to get this site where it is, that is ****** up of you to get so high-and-mighty.

opinions are welcomed, assholes are not.

btw, i'm sure he knows the domain name, since HIS name is who registered it.

Derrick Im not trying to down the guy for trying at all and I dont doubt the mans Integrity but he is going a little far with the whole thing about using Mazdas logo with this site .. i mean seriously like im trying to do any type of copying or what ever he is insinuating I am doing .. i mean that is like if i own a Vinyl graphics place .. he is saying I cant make a Mazdaspeed sticker and associate it with some kids car club if the person wanted me to.. all I was saying is that the quality of screen printed shirts or hats are poor well i guess i should have said In my opinion i feel they are and maybe he would not have been insulted and say that i was making Negative remarks .... I am offering the ability for you and any other to have there very own car Custom embriodered on a shirt or sweat shirt and if they wanted we could throw on www.protege5.com or MP3.com or what ever. So this isnt me trying to have a pissing contest with him over whos shirts are better I just dont think that he, even being an owner of this site can tell me how to state what I feel and being a grown man.. I flat out dont like it. I was not insulting him, his site, or what he is trying to do .. just that screenprint to embroidery is like coach to first class .. both serve a purpose but one is better way of doin it then the other again i guess its IMO
I don't want to waste my time arguing...I will say that you have a right to your own opinion but don't put down the method in which site gear is made in an effort to make what your proposing seem more attractive.

You need to chill out! I have received nothing but POSTIVE FEEDBACK from members who purchased Official site gear. Most apparel sold in any store with designs or images on them are screen prints. It's not a lesser method...it's a different method and in our case a better method in my opinion.

I have ordered one of the items to see how it came out and I was very impressed. Know that I create the designs and save them at a very high rez then convert them into PNG files which is a completely loss-less compression file type. So the end result is...what I see on my screen is exactly what appears on the items...sharp, clear, crisp and clean. For the designs I have created I think most of them look better as a solid image and not made out of thousands of stitches (embroidered).

I don't know what your problem is...I haven't prevented you from proposing your ideas. If youre angry due to the lack of interest...well deal with it...don't take it out on others.

Thanks to those who had my back.

Oh and you can't embroider a clock...lol.

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