why does my battery keep dying?


so yeah, my battery died last month, so I got a new one... now, about two weeks ago,I went to start my car, and it was dead again. we push started it, I drove around town for abit, and it charged.. hadnt had any problems with it for a while now.. but, last night, when I went to drive, it was dead again.. whats the deal? is this happening to anyone?

the only thing I can think of,is that when I was going to install my turbo timer, I cut that one blue wire under the back panel on the alarm module... but i dont see why that would be making my battery die..

also, my car isnt just sitting there for weeks on end, i drive it pretty much every day, or every other day..

any ideas?
same thing happened to me about a month ago. After I got another battery(still under warrenty of the new one I just bought) I put it in and made sure all the connections were fine and there was nothing loose. I tightened everything and the new battery has been working fine ever since. The posative terminal had a couple extra connecting wires that were a little loose that might have drained the battery. Check all connections and get a new battery under the warrenty for free.
you might have a live wire groundimg out on the frame somewhere that would drain a battery fast. or your altenator might not be working right id look for both
i meant the ither two wires that i have hooked up to my positive teminal. I have my fogs, and my alarm system hooked there and they werent on tight and wiggled around. That caused the battery to drain in a week.

SuperSpud said:
hmmmm.. not sure exactly what you are talking about.. few extra connectiing wires?
kingpin7666 said:
you might have a live wire groundimg out on the frame somewhere that would drain a battery fast. or your altenator might not be working right id look for both
where and how do I do that?
Check your connections. Make sure they are pressed all the way down on the terminals and that they are tight. After that I would look at your alarm module is it keeping the parking lights on? Some people have said there parking lights stay on sometimes after they set there alarm.

As far as the alternator goes put a voltmeter on the battery while it is running or check the battery voltage after a good drive it should be around 14volts. Down around 10 or lower after the drive around town I would get it checked and the battery checked as well.
yep check all connections, make sure something isnt getting left on...i'd recommend getting this problem fixed asap....alternators are designed to maintain not charge the battery...constant charging puts a lot of stress on the alternator and will wear it out prematurely...goto autozone or discount and have them perform a charging test, this will atleast point you in the right direction...
i'm going to try getting my battery replaced under warranty. My windows go up so friggin slow and when they get all the way up my Turbo Timer resets. That's a pain when I'm shutting off the car right as the windows get up because the TT fails to idle the car for the proper amount of time.

Hopefully I can get a decent battery and rule out any other electrical problems.