Correct, the issue is when opening / not closing. There is a resistance stop on the opening portion but it requires MUCH more force than when closing. I encourage you to try it if you haven't.
All gen 2's have both of the rubber seals at the top of the hatch. UNLESS Mazda has stopped installing them. Mine is a '17 GS (Canadian version of touring).
In addition, Mazda has specifically said that the rubber seals are not designed or intended to keep water out - but to reduce wind noise. And with this lies the extremely aggrivating issue to anyone who experiences this as I believe it is a combination of those rubber strips and the body contour at the top of the hatch between the hinges that causes the problem
in freezing rain conditions.
5.0FoxRod I've borrowed your pic if you don't mind to illustrate what I believe happens.
The issue I see is embedded in the photo and they compound on each other.
- There's a slight bowl type of shape in the body between the hatch hinges which
should channel water down to the drainage trough around the hatch opening.
- There's an outer body seam rubber seal (shown as seal #2 above). However this doesn't actually seal tight between the roof and hatch when the hatch is closed. Per Mazda this is by design, this seal is intended to reduce wind noise
not keep water out.
- Once water gets in past seal #2, it's then trapped in the bowl created by the body contour and seal #1 which blocks the water off from the trough when the hatch is closed. In the correct conditions this starts the ice buildup.
- Once the ice buildup starts, if temps remain low and water continues to trickle in it build upon itself occupying the space between the closed hatch roof area and the body structure.
- Then, if the hatch is opened as the hatch roof has no where to tip into because the ice is there, the hatch roof is bent up as the force of the actuators continues to open the hatch.
This is my own theory I came to. But of course Mazda saw no responsibility in the matter, the dealership didn't seem to care and it was put on me. I was told to "call my insurance company".
I hope this helps others understand what's happened. If it helps someone else get help from Mazda if it happens to them I'm happy for you (and would love to be contacted so I can go back at them).
After I got my vehicle back and came to my own conclusions above I have removed rubber seal #1 from the photos above. I park in the same driveway, outdoors, go to the same parking lot at work, and knock on wood haven't had it happen again (yet). I don't know what the ultimate resolution is but I saw removing the seal as a stupid cheap / easy way to try and prevent it from happening again.
I have not noticed any additional wind noise... If it does happen again the car will no longer be owned by me within a short period of time afterwards.