To start ( a pun ) - I went thru a sczhophrenic fit trying to decide on a Turbo or Premium ( Plus ) CX5 . My ownership of vehicles goes back to the 70s and consider myself a full fledged Mazda person ! I purchased 2 CX5s and on both recent decisions went NA over Turbo - #1 reason ...not what many might think ...Ive had many fast vehicles and had to come to grips with the fact , I just dont need the power , or want it anymore. There was a time when it would have required about 1 second to decide - Turbo - done - So Ive read and watched many articles and known many T owners ( self ) as well - and Turbos have changed big time - Yet I saw a Toyota Master Tech recently , that I feel summed up Turbos exactly as I believe they are today , the good, the bad and the ( whatever ) - So im posting this for ONE reason and its NOT to bash turbos ot disway potential Turbo buyers away from Ts , yet , quite the opposite - That if owners were more educated on fundamental ownership habits, the experience will just be that much better and experience far fewer problems well know when they hear bs thats inaccurate or dated turbo info which will perpetuate flase myths about Ts-
I will say ...these things which will get pushback - but watch the whole short video , then reply - if you care - So here it is :#1 You can run your CX5 on regular or mid-grade fuel and dont " need " to use premium fuel --/ FALSE / - low grade non-premium fuel destroy turbo engines . #2 Turbo engines dont burn oil / FASLE / all turbos will burn oil . #3 Turbos last as long as NA engines / FALSE / they do not
#4 You can drive a Turbo just like an NA engine without any problems- / FALSE / - #4.5 -Turbos dont require that the engine oil is at full operating temp before you start using the turbo and you can just shut the car off after driving and dont need cool down time /. FALSE-FALSE / slap in face / NO - The turbo is lubricated by the engine oil and for optimum life , wear and performance ..should be at full temp ( not the coolant gauge ..the oil temp ) and since turbos use engine oil to cool ...that oil goes thru the turbo which can get red hot ...if you drive it agressively using the turbo and then just shut it off in the parking lot - it cooks the engine oil around the turbo and gunks it up big time - wait a few minutes ( hence old turbo timers ) - #5 Just change the oil per the owners manual ...FALSE /. the oil in any turbo engine is critical and most reccomendations by the top engine builders / techs is 6 mos / no matter what miles and 3-5 k ( 5 at the longest ) - Remember , that oil is not only lubricating , cooling a 4 cyl engine thats working hard ..its going thru an often piping hot Turbo as well . - So be aware of these things to make your turbo experience the best possible / For many the trade off from N A is worth the extra - for some not - Heres the " word " from the Master :
I will say ...these things which will get pushback - but watch the whole short video , then reply - if you care - So here it is :#1 You can run your CX5 on regular or mid-grade fuel and dont " need " to use premium fuel --/ FALSE / - low grade non-premium fuel destroy turbo engines . #2 Turbo engines dont burn oil / FASLE / all turbos will burn oil . #3 Turbos last as long as NA engines / FALSE / they do not
#4 You can drive a Turbo just like an NA engine without any problems- / FALSE / - #4.5 -Turbos dont require that the engine oil is at full operating temp before you start using the turbo and you can just shut the car off after driving and dont need cool down time /. FALSE-FALSE / slap in face / NO - The turbo is lubricated by the engine oil and for optimum life , wear and performance ..should be at full temp ( not the coolant gauge ..the oil temp ) and since turbos use engine oil to cool ...that oil goes thru the turbo which can get red hot ...if you drive it agressively using the turbo and then just shut it off in the parking lot - it cooks the engine oil around the turbo and gunks it up big time - wait a few minutes ( hence old turbo timers ) - #5 Just change the oil per the owners manual ...FALSE /. the oil in any turbo engine is critical and most reccomendations by the top engine builders / techs is 6 mos / no matter what miles and 3-5 k ( 5 at the longest ) - Remember , that oil is not only lubricating , cooling a 4 cyl engine thats working hard ..its going thru an often piping hot Turbo as well . - So be aware of these things to make your turbo experience the best possible / For many the trade off from N A is worth the extra - for some not - Heres the " word " from the Master :

How To Make Your Modern Turbo Engine Last Longer | Are They Less Reliable?
A Master Automobile Technician Shares 5 Tips on Making Your Modern Turbo Engine More Reliable Long Term.In this video I share with you 5 tips to prolong the ...

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