Tech manuals?

Does anybody know if they make a Chiltons or Hayens or anything similar for the 2003 MP5? Tryin to replace buddies clutch and pressure plate, but I don't want to start tearin things apart w/o knowin exactly what to or not to do. Comprende?
i dont know what a chilton or a hayen is, but here is the 2002 shop manual for free:

PS - "proffession" is really spelled "profession" you might want to change your sig

edited by Sir Nuke....the reason.....because its illegally posted on that forum....its copywritten material....and WE the forum would be/could be held liable if we allowed the activitiy of giving our member access to it.
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damn did i actually find something good that no one else had found before? this newb? lol:D
i'm surprised that your website link is not blocked out..... when i post it, it usually is .............
Chiltons and Hayens are pretty much just guides for tearin apart cars. They have a manual for almost every car ever sold in the US, I was just suprised they didn't have one for this. But that website you posted up ROCKS.
PS I didn't say "spell by proFession" :D
RazorP5 said:
damn did i actually find something good that no one else had found before? this newb? lol:D
Don't mean to burst the excitement bubble but it's actually been known to be around for a while, people just chose not to post the link because...
ZiO said:
i'm surprised that your website link is not blocked out..... when i post it, it usually is .............
Like he is saying, as soon as a mod gets hold of this thread the post with the link will be removed. It has to do with illegalities of posting the manual for free. There are posts discussing this subject, also on Some argue that it's wrong to post it out for free because you're taking away money from the vendor, which could use that money for more support for our car (or something like that, don't remember too well)
well thats totally i suppose if i tell you where to find a cheaper part elsewhere thats illegal because were taking money away from other companies?
As I stated my me edit of your post Razor....the legal issue is....the manual is copy written material. IF we were to allow you or anyone else access to download it illegally, which is what that site allows you to do, then WE, the forum are as liable...

NOW, WE will not stop you or hinder you from sending people the URL in private messages or emails....we just can not allow you to post it up on the forum, making the forum itself a party to a known illegal activity.
it wasnt against you guys, i was simply saying that in general, its gay that the market is like that...i didnt realize that was an "illegal" copy in itself on their website
RazorP5 said:
it wasnt against you guys, i was simply saying that in general, its gay that the market is like that...i didnt realize that was an "illegal" copy in itself on their website

its cool....I didn't take any offence....I knew what you ment.