Quick Release Adapter


02 Protege5
Does someone make a quick release adapter for our car? Is there another Mazda Model that would have the same style that I could find. I just installed a set of Tenzo R seats into my car and they sit a little higer then stock and my legs get stuck some trying to get out because of the steering wheel. I have the lumbar adjustment set so the seat is as far down as it can be but I still get stuck.....
I'm guessing you don't want to tilt the wheel up every time you get in or out. I'm not sure if there's a QR that would address having an air bag in the wheel. What about modding the seat brackets to sit lower?
Before anyone else says it: you really don't want to get rid of your airbag.

If your seat is higher than stock, the seating position has been compromised, and it probably ain't that safe. You'll need to get some custom brackets made so the seats sit correctly.
Sorry, didn't mean to be so vague about the QR not addressing the air bag on the steering wheel but yeah, you probably don't wanna jack with the airbag.
The wheel is adjusted all the way up. The seat sits at the same height the stock one did as it is adjusted now. Except for the fact that I now have the bulsters that curve up which make it hard to get in and out. As far as the airbag. Being strapped into a harness into the seat the airbag would do in a wreck. The harness would keep you in place and you would not touch the airbag. If you don't agree with that, then look at any drag, race car, or rally car. None have airbags but have the harness' as well as other protective equpiment to help in a wreck.
02MazPro5 said:
The wheel is adjusted all the way up. The seat sits at the same height the stock one did as it is adjusted now. Except for the fact that I now have the bulsters that curve up which make it hard to get in and out. As far as the airbag. Being strapped into a harness into the seat the airbag would do in a wreck. The harness would keep you in place and you would not touch the airbag. If you don't agree with that, then look at any drag, race car, or rally car. None have airbags but have the harness' as well as other protective equpiment to help in a wreck.
1) Don't start with the "then look at any..." example bulls***. Your car has as much in common with a rally car as I do with Madeline Albright. Unless you have a full roll-cage, a properly installed harness with quick release, a full fire-supression system, and wear Nomex and a helmet every time you go out for a gallon of milk, then you're using flawed reasoning to justify a dumb idea.
1.5) Proper race cars are designed to work with specific safety systems. So is your typical econobox. Note that said systems are entirely different.
2) PLEASE tell me you don't wear a harness while driving daily.
3) We really are trying to help you, so drop the attitude and listen up: as it stands, you're increasing your chances of dying in an accident.

Pretzellogic said:
1) Don't start with the "then look at any..." example bulls***. Your car has as much in common with a rally car as I do with Madeline Albright. Unless you have a full roll-cage, a properly installed harness with quick release, a full fire-supression system, and wear Nomex and a helmet every time you go out for a gallon of milk, then you're using flawed reasoning to justify a dumb idea.
1.5) Proper race cars are designed to work with specific safety systems. So is your typical econobox. Note that said systems are entirely different.
2) PLEASE tell me you don't wear a harness while driving daily.
3) We really are trying to help you, so drop the attitude and listen up: as it stands, you're increasing your chances of dying in an accident.

There was no attitude in my responce, unlike yours as you jumped all over me. All I wanted was an answer to my question. I didn't want to hear all of the above crap you just stated as I know it, my car will have a set of harness' in it. Not for daily driving but for racing, and autocross. So next time don't jump to conclutions about someone's post. I like most people on here want an answer to the question ask not BS posts of info that is already known. I'm a mechanic, I've worked at raceshops and have helped build drag cars and race cars. I know how it is. I want to know if there is a quick release for avaliable the protege5. Soon it will not be my daily driver.
Any Momo wheel hub for a Miata or RX-7 will fit the Protege. The steering column splines are the same on all Mazdas. Then all you'll need is a Momo quick release and a Momo wheel. I've got the same setup but I haven't purchased the wheel yet. Those things are a little pricey. I have Momo Start non-reclinable seats in my car. I have to wear a harness with the Momo seats because I'm so skinny that the stock seatbelt doesn't touch me at all. The only real argument against wearing harnesses all the time is in a roll over since they hold you completely upright, but I haven't seen a Protege rollover yet with enough force to dangerously crush the roof. Especially with how low I sit in the car. Probably a different story for taller people though.
ok, i changed my wheel out to a sparco one. i dont know if they make a quick release hub but go to sparco and lookup hubs for miata's. they are the same as the protege. that is what my sparco hub was listed as!


see isnt it nice to ask a question and actually get an answer instead of everybody bickering about why it is wrong ;)
yes it is thank you. Not trying to start anything, but it gets on my nerves when people jump on you for a question. I think I said above I just got a set of pretty much new Tenzo R Rally's for free. Yup free, you gotta love it. Saved me about $500's So I'm happy lol....
Aw c'mon, there was a little attitude in the "then look at any racecar" stuff. :D

Anywho, I still don't think that what you're doing is too bright. My point that you're using flawed logic is solid, but it's you car, man.
Really there was no attitude in that post. I'm just looking for options, once the car is paid for I'm turning it into a track car and getting another VW. Anyways thank you for looking out for my well being. I am glad that you take the time to make sure others know what could happen.
02MazPro5 said:
Really there was no attitude in that post. I'm just looking for options, once the car is paid for I'm turning it into a track car and getting another VW. Anyways thank you for looking out for my well being. I am glad that you take the time to make sure others know what could happen.
I'm a b****, but a well-meaning b****.

If this is a track car, go nuts. (eekdance)
yeah my plan is to turn it into a track car once it's paid off. For now it's for shows and daily driving. I've found the harness I plan to get it's a quick release so it can just be popped in for racing and such.... for now. LOL.. Thanks for the lookout again. your not a b**** your just thought full lol
02MazPro5 said:
yeah my plan is to turn it into a track car once it's paid off. For now it's for shows and daily driving. I've found the harness I plan to get it's a quick release so it can just be popped in for racing and such.... for now. LOL.. Thanks for the lookout again. your not a b**** your just thought full lol
I'm a thoughtful b****.