Practice your parking

I got a score of 106. That was my second time (first time I ran the dog over to see what would happen).
first - 17.4 seconds - BAM!
second - 25.1
third - 35.5
forth - hit the stoopid dog
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smo0f said:
on just the 1st level?? i got a 6.6 on that

Yeah, probably the first level. I didn't know there were levels, that's probably why I never saw the dog. OK, 81.3 with all four levels.
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man you guys suck! first one is easy. turn wheel hard right, go straight, hard left, go back, and then right into the parking spot. you gotta time it properly and takes a bit of practice. 2nd one is the easiest of all. i've gotten a 3.8 on that. the 3rd one you gotta go near the top left corner of the screen, and back up almost horizontally near the back end of the car above the parking spot, then as you are entering it turn so that your car is paralelled. 4th one do the same concept only from the bottom of the screen, head first into the parking spot at a horizontal angle
stupid@$$ steering is too slow!!

Also, where's the e-brake??

finished with 42.7! after I broke a keyboard, mouse and a monitor! haha
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