
I was at a stoplight last night, some guy pulls around me after riding my ass for about two miles and sits in the lane next to me, inching up on the line waiting for green. he's got some obnoxious Rage Against the Machine song blaring through open windows. the road after the stoplight merges like 100 feet ahead into one lane from two. he looks over at me from this faded gray 1989 honda civic sedan and starts REVVING insanely high, sneering at me with his one-hand-on-the-wheel-boy-racer look.

i do not condone street racing / stoplight racing - but it sure felt nice to watch his head snap my way when i dropped the hammer and owned him and his ricetastic car all the way home.

- oh wait this is a humorous thread, damn talk about missing the boat.

i lied, it wasn't the turbocharger - it was Pikachu's THUNDERSHOCK Level 3 attack that toasted Mr Honda
street racing (no)

but funny none-the-less. i bet he didnt expect your p5 to be turboed.........haha
i ran against a 355 spyder the other day on the way home and smoked it from 60mph

(it counts if the ferrari was on a flatbed truck - right??)
yeah it counts..............you should have taped it so you can post your kill on the net..................:)